I was making good progress on the tiles, but then I ran out of one of the paints on Monday. I've ordered some more, but work has temporarily stopped on that project.
Luckily, that afternoon I received some MDF goodies from TT Combat:
Six of those are new orders. The other two are replacements for the two that I'd had problems with - they very generously sent me full kits rather than just the sprues.
To make use of the down-time on the tiles project, I decided to de-sprue the kits and start assembling them. Here is everything that has been assembled so far (including the ones I'd assembled a week or two ago):
PreFeb Beta
Having been sent a complete kit, I was able to assemble a standard ground floor piece:
...and also a two-door ground floor piece (using some doors from Blotz):
Cantilevers, bridges and connectors:
I bought this one to see whether it would work with the PreFab units. The "roof" is the same height and width, so it should work with them for layouts. They also do Tri-Building kits - I might get some of those (and more Tri-Walkways) at some point.
I've de-sprued the other kits as well, but won't assemble them until the buildings have been painted:
Large Crates and Streetlights
I only de-sprued enough parts to make up five streetlights as I only have nine acrylic "lamps", four of which I need to the original kits.
There are three kits' worth of parts in the photo above!
The parts which haven't been assembled yet have also not had the "tags" sanded. I should be doing that tomorrow (hence the bundle of emery board nail files in the top photo).