Beware - lots of pics and lots of text in this post!
I'll bet you're wondering why all the pics are on here, rather than on the
Quarantine Challenge blog. Well, that's because I didn't finish them in time and the QC is now over.
Today sees the last of my current* Judge Dredd figures finished - the Denizens of Mega City One and Arch villains packs.
Denizens of Mega City One
East Meg Agent
Both of the Neo-Sov mega cities (East Meg 1 and East Meg 2) have regularly sent agents to infiltrate Mega City One with orders to sow discord, gather intelligence and commit acts of sabotage and assassination. Some of these were Konstructs, genetically modified for greater strength, speed and endurance.
Or maybe she's just an enforcer/assassin for one of the criminal gangs.
Oola and Homer Blint
Seemingly an ordinary and pleasant citizen, Oola Blint was in fact one of the city's most prolific serial killers. She apparently believed she was performing acts of mercy, killing people so that they would no longer have to suffer the madness of living in Mega city One. Her preferred method was to incapacitate her victims with gas before administering a lethal dose with a hypodermic.
Homer Blint was Oola's weak-willed husband. He discovered what his wife was doing and was persuaded to help her out, often by flying above with his bat-glider to keep an eye out for any threats (especially from Judges).
Eventually Dredd traced the crimes back to Oola, but the Blints escaped to BritCit before they could be arrested. They opened a legal euthanasia clinic there, but Oola soon returned to her murderous ways. Homer found out and turned her in to the BritCit Judges.
Karl Raider
Karl is an ex-Judge who had graduated just behind Joe and Rico Dredd in the same class. He resigned in 2099 after falling in love with a citizen, whom he then married. His wife, Carol, became ill with radiation sickness during the Apocalypse War of 2104 and Karl killed her before she could suffer too much.
By 2114 he was acting as a vigilante in City Bottom, taking on the various criminal elements preying on his neighbourhood. After attacking Murk Dennyson's gang, he was tracked down and killed by Dredd.
Sometimes the citizens of Mega City One can't take it any more and go completely mad and start killing people at random. They are said to be suffering from "Future Shock" and those affected are said to have gone or to be a Futsie.
Arch Villains
Orlok the Assassin and his Satellat
Orlok was a Sov agent from East Meg 1 who had infiltrated mega City One ahead of the Apocalypse War. His task was to induce chaos and distract the Judges immediately prior to a nuclear strike and invasion.
He did this by contaminating the water supply of multiple blocks with a chemical agent which increased the normal levels of paranoia and aggression of the citizens in those blocks. This led to a widespread breakout of block wars which came to be known as Block Mania.
(Former) Judge Grice
Grice was a Senior Judge in Mega City One. In the aftermath of Necropolis (during which he had fallen under control of the Dark Judges), the citizens were (quite reasonably) outraged by the Justice department's failure to protect them.
Grice proposed a tightening of the law to crack down on them; Judge Dredd proposed (and forced through) a referendum on whether the Judge system should be retained or replaced. Grice, along with most of the Judges thought that the vote could only go against them, so with a cabal of other senior Judges conspired to undermine the referendum by assassinating Dredd.
Dredd survived the assassination attempt, killing two of the conspirators and rounding up the rest. Grice and the other surviving conspirators were summarily sentenced to twenty years hard labour on Titan. The referendum voted to retain the Judge system.
Two years later, having been subject to the brutal regime (which included illegal experimentation on prisoners) of Governor Khurtz, Grice led an outbreak and killed Khurtz during the rampage. After stealing a biological weapon, the flesh-dissolving Meat Virus, he led an army of prisoners back to Mega City One on a fleet of small spacecraft.
Crashing spaceships on arrival to cause chaos and spread the virus, they soon took control of the city and the Grand Hall of Justice as so many Judges were incapacitated by the virus. This incident became known as "Inferno".
Grice made himself Chief Judge and began plotting to do the same thing to the other megacities.
Most of the Judges escaped and Dredd led them in a counter attack against Grice's outnumbered men, regaining control of the city. This culminated in a man-on-man confrontation between Dredd and Grice; Grice gained the upper hand until Dredd instructed his Lawmaster bike to drive into Grice, followed by s series of Reverse; Forward commands until Grice was completely squished.
With cybernetic breather fitted on Titan |
Mean Angel (aka Mean Machine Angel)
Growing up in the Cursed Earth wastelands, Mean started out as a sweet, happy, friendly child who wouldn't hurt a fly and loved flowers and kittens. That really upset his father, Pa Angel, who was determined to make him a nasty, violent psychopath like the rest of his brothers. Torture and beatings didn't work, so for his 12th birthday Pa kidnapped a surgeon from Texas City and forced him to operate and make various cybernetic "improvements". These included a weapon arm and fitting a dial into his brain to control his aggression - the dial has four settings of increasing nastiness, but has been known to get stuck above 4 sending Mean into a complete frenzy.
He is famous for his headbutting.
"For you, Dreddy, I'ma gonna go straight up to four!" |
Nero Narcos
Nero was a genius with technology. He was also the Chairman of the "Frendz" criminal organisation. Surviving an assassination attempt, but suffering terrible injuries, he had his brain transplanted into an armoured robot body.
In 2121, the Frendz had been sabotaging early examples of the Mark 2 Lawgiver so that when they received a signal the weapon wouldn't recognise the palm-print of the judge it had been assigned to. When the judge then went to use it, the weapon would self-destruct in their hand. Hundreds of Judges were killed and many more maimed when this happened at the start of the Second Robot War.
Judge Death
The big cheese himself (well, he is a bit ripe...), Judge Death, Sidney to his friends and family.
Sidney De'Ath was a Judge on a planet in another dimension (now?) known as Deadworld. Realising that all crime is committed by the living, he came to the conclusion that life itself must be the real crime and resolved himself to deal with it.
Helped by the Sisters of Death, Phobia and Nausea, using a dark magic ritual he free his spirit and became able to temporarily inhabit corpses (and sometimes living bodies), becoming Judge Death in the process. They later used the same ritual on themselves and his comrades who became Judges Fear, Fire and Mortis. they then brainwashed all the other Judges and proceeded to exterminate all life on their planet (including the brainwashed Judges).
When a dimension-traveling researchers appeared on Deadworld, Sidney realises that there is life elsewhere in the universe. Where there is life, there is crime and crime must be punished, so he "judged" the researchers and used their device to travel to Mega City One where he began his killing spree. Dredd and Psi Judge Anderson tried unsuccessfully to kill him, but did destroy the body he was in with incendiary rounds. His freed spirit entered Anderson's mind - Anderson managed to send a telepathic message to Dredd, telling him to encase her in "Boing (TM)", trapping Death in with her.
He has escaped a number of times and his killing sprees have resulted in tens (maybe hundreds) of millions of deaths.
"The crime issss life, the sssssentence issss death!" |
"You cannot kill what doessss not livvvve!" |
"Anderssssson!" |
Wooden Pallets
These were part of my Antenociti's Workshop order which were delivered yesterday. I assembled them last night and dry-brushed them (they are pre-painted MDF) this morning.
I'll be working on terrain for the most part over the next week or two, but will be prepping some more figures.