It's that time of year that many of us look forward to. Or dread. Whatever.
Yes, Snowlord Curt of the Canadian Campbells has announced this year's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. There may still be some places available if you wish to take part.
I have, of course, taken up my reserved spot. Somewhat foolishly, I opted for a target of 3000 points, which will be a fair stretch to achieve. Particularly if I end up painting lots of 28mm figures for my WW2 New Guinea project to the same standard as I have started out...
I decided to do a quick count-up of what I have in stock, ready to go. It comes to about 2000 points of prepped-and-primed figures. I probably have another 4-500 points of figures prepped but not primed, and a lot of plastics which haven't been assembled. I should have enough for the 3000 points, but will need to do a bit of a sort out in my hobby room if I'm going to have space to have everything primed before the Challenge starts.
There are also some planned purchases, mostly for the New Guinea project. Plus some terrain. All in all, it looks as though I have no excuse for not hitting 3000 points this year.
However, you probably want to know what I do have lined up for this year:
WW2 New Guinea Project - 1942 Aussies (in KD uniforms), M3 Stuart tanks, and possibly some Japanese to oppose them. I might also make some jungle terrain up.
Purchases needed - some more M3 Stuarts, some more 8th Army figures, the Japanese.
Strontium Dog - I've got a good bunch of figures prepped and primed and some terrain (mostly) made up but needing to be primed.
This project will fit in nicely with one of the bonus rounds ("Mercenaries").
Pulp/Salutesville - I have a lot of figures primed and some more prepped but not primed. Some terrain as well.
Miscellaneous - I've got quite a few figures primed for various small projects. There's a small group of figures in this section that will work for the final bonus round ("Fellowship").
SYW Russians - I have 4 regiments of infantry (plus spare figures) and 18 Cossacks primed. I don't have any plans to add to them at the moment.
Mongols - plenty of cavalry and some infantry plus baggage elements primed.
SciFi - I have a load of GZG's Kra'Vak figures and vehicles prepped.
ACW - mounted and dismounted cavalry plus some artillery for both sides primed. There are also various baggage elements and some terrain prepped but not primed.
SYW - I have a lot prepped. I was going to do these as ImagiNations for Honours of War, but I'm having a rethink on that right now.
Other project which might see the light of day:
28mm Wars of the Roses - I have a goodly pile of plastics for this project to add to the longbowmen I painted a few years ago.
28mm Fantasy - a wold army for Dragon Rampant. I have a bunch of wolves prepped, but need to order some more and bases for them to go on. I'll be multi-basing the wolves on 75x50mm bases which offers the opportunity to make them dioramic.
The next few weeks will see me busy getting ready for the Challenge, with lots of prep and priming plus some terrain making. Also thinking about what to do for the other three bonus rounds - "Reconnaissance", "Sport" and "Water Feature" - and making any necessary purchases.
Great prep, Tamsin, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up during this year's challenge :-)
ReplyDeleteThat's quite a few figures Tamsin!
ReplyDeleteShould keep you busy until mid january
ReplyDeleteYou make me shiver just by reading your pipeline. Best of luck in the Challenge, I’ll meet you there
ReplyDeleteBest of luck, Tamsin!
ReplyDeleteGood luck Tamsin, decided to take up my reserve spot too!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the paint bombs Ms P.
ReplyDelete@ Blax - thanks! There will be my usual wide range of scales and periods :)
ReplyDelete@ Ray - it will be a lot of figures, more than I've managed in any of the previous Challenges :)
@ Martin - middle of January? Who do you think I am? Alex? Miles? ;)
@ Benito - it will be a very impressive output if I succeed :)
@ Bill - thanks! :)
@ Francis - cheers! It will be great to have you back with us big guy :)
@ Peter - there will definitely be a few of those :)
A great mix of goodies!
ReplyDeleteSee you there and good luck with your 3k objective!