And the time comes at last for my final summary post of this year's Challenge entries - the 28mm character figures.
My opening salvo on the first day of the Challenge was this rather characterful figure from Hasslefree, whom fans of the original (UK) version of Shameless will recognise that I have painted up as Frank Gallagher (as portrayed by David Thewlis):
I wasn't the only person who had painted this figure for the Challenge - Anne painted him for her "Revenge on Ray" entry in the last bonus theme round. I think someone may have painted him last year as well for their AntiHero.
Moving on, my second entry of character figures was "I'll Be Max!" I had bought these two figures from Hasslefree, but they're now sold directly by Studio Miniatures.
It took a lot of effort (and trial & error) to make the black leather tones look right and different. For the Arnie figure, I also wanted to capture the pallid, dead flesh look from the first film. I think I got pretty close.
The fourth character figure was a bit of a departure for me - a High Elf rogue from Citadel. Quite fun to paint, but some of the details were tricky to access.
The fifth and final character figure was also my Curtgeld. The theme for this year's Challenge was "Risk Takers, Gamblers and Daredevils". I think that Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (from the reimagined Battlestar Galactica) is an excellent embodiment of all three.
The figure I used is "Pilot Vic" from Hasslefree.
Phew - that's a lot of painting done in 13 weeks!
About Me

- TamsinP
- London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
- A mythical beast - a female wargamer! I got back into wargaming in the summer of 2011 after a very, very long break and haven't looked back since. I must admit that I seem to be more of a painter/collector than a gamer, but do hope to correct that at some point in the near future. My gaming interests span the ages, from the "Biblical" era all the way through to the far future. I enjoy games of all sizes, from a handful of figures up to major battles (see my megalomaniacally sized Choson Korean and Russian Seven Years War armies).
The all look killer good.
ReplyDeleteSome top figures, Tamsin. Love the Starbuck figure!
ReplyDeleteGreat figures Tamsin. Must try Hasslefree one day - great character in those miniatures not to mention great brushwork too.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Ross
That late surge to the finish line was a treat to watch - the character figs were brilliant, and your legions of tiny figs nothing short of spectacular!
ReplyDeletePlayed strong, Tamsin!
Lovely figures especially the elf great brush work on all .
ReplyDeleteI thought these were all splendid Tamsin, lovely character pieces.
ReplyDeleteI have two favorites here. That High Elf and your Curtgeld, Kara! But they are all excellent painted!
@ Whisk - thanks! :)
ReplyDelete@ Ray - cheers! :)
@ Ross - thanks! Hasslefree's figures are superb and a treat to paint :)
@ Evan - cheers! I was astounded by how much I managed to paint over the final weekend. If I hadn't had to work on the Monday I might have got a few more finished, but such is life :)
@ Dannoc - thanks! It was interesting painting that Elf - it's a long time since I've painted fantasy :)
@ Michael A - cheers! I enjoyed painting all of them, even if giving the layering technique for highlighting a go was a bit of a trial :)
@ Peter - thanks! The elf and Kara are probably my favourites as well :)
You certainly swing a mean brush, the Elf is a classic figure. The sweep of the cloak is spot on