Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear wargaminggirl.blogspot.com
Happy birthday to you
In case you hadn't guessed, today is my blog's first birthday. As it's a birthday and given that I've passed 2 other big milestones in the past couple of weeks (50k page views, 300 followers) I guess it must be time for a
Yup, some lucky beggar who follows the rules below will win a prize of me painting 50 points of figures for them. 50 points? I'm using Curt's Analogue Painting Challenge system - 15mm foot = 2 points; 28mm foot = 5 points; mounted = 2x foot.
The Rules:
1) You must be a public follower of this blog
2) You must leave a comment below to say you want to be entered in the draw
3) Entries close at 2400 GMT on Tuesday 15 January
4) Errmm, that's it!
Quick Painting Update
The Vikings have received their basecoats, all that remains now is the detailing, washing, highlighting, Klear-coat, matt spray and tufting/flocking. I should be able to finish them by the weekend if all goes well.
Next up I think will be some Gripping Beast 28mm Saxons (20 troops, Warlord, standard bearer).
Plans For 2013
I hope to take part in a couple of tournaments this year, just for the sheer heck of it. I'm already entered into one - Godendag at Usk in just over 2 weeks' time. This is a doubles tournament, and my Alans will be getting a run-out again. Oh, and it will be using the V2 rules for FoG:AM which have only just been released in print (mine are on order), so that should be interesting.
I'll probably also do Campaign in Milton Keynes again and hopefully the Worlds in Derby (well, Donnington) which I missed due to illness in 2012.
Club Games
I'm hoping to get the following gaming in at the club this year:
At least 1 game of FoG:AM per month
At least 1 game of FoG:R per month
Several games of Saga
Occasional games of Ironclads in Action
3rd Analogue Painting Challenge - I've decided to use this as an excuse to assemble and paint all my 28mm plastics. From a quick count, that is 146 foot and 14 mounted plus the 20 currently on my table. I'll need to order a horse sprue from Conquest as the pack I bought from Orcs Nest was one of the older ones with 15 riders but only 12 horses.
Once the Challenge is over (or during the Challenge if I finish all those plastics before it ends) I'll finish off my 30YW figures, do the last 60 Sarmatian lancers and then finish off the Scythians which have been languishing in a drawer for months now.
That will leave me clear to decide what army to work on next. I probably should do the medieval Swiss first, as I've already started it. However, after so many months of historical figures (and all non-uniform) it would probably be good to take a break and paint up some of my 15mm SciFi forces - I've easily got over 300 figures waiting to be painted, not to mention vehicles to assemble and paint.
I'll try to post at least twice a week this year. As opposed to last year, I won't be posting WIP shots after each session and will just do the pics when units are finished. I might do weekly "on the workbench" shots so that you can see what I'm up to.
Oh, before I forget:
About Me

- TamsinP
- London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
- A mythical beast - a female wargamer! I got back into wargaming in the summer of 2011 after a very, very long break and haven't looked back since. I must admit that I seem to be more of a painter/collector than a gamer, but do hope to correct that at some point in the near future. My gaming interests span the ages, from the "Biblical" era all the way through to the far future. I enjoy games of all sizes, from a handful of figures up to major battles (see my megalomaniacally sized Choson Korean and Russian Seven Years War armies).
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
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me! me! me! Please?
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday :-)
Put me down for the prize draw! Happy Blogbirthday!
ReplyDeletegood plans for 2013, will follow your progress with interest. Will try to get to Derby this year missed it last year.
ReplyDeletePeace James
Happy Blogbirthday Tamisin! I hope you achieve all your goals in the New Year. And I have one more goal for you-Beat Ray in the contest-pound him into the dirt-make him wish he was never born!!
DeleteTamsin, Happy Birthday! I've enjoyed the blog and I'm looking forward to the next year of posts. Please put me down for a prize as well, that sounds just grand.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a plan. Happy bloggiversary! Sign me up for the prize draw.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a plan. Happy bloggiversary! Sign me up for the prize draw.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 1st year! My blog skisgames.blogspot.com also began its second year today. Please enter me in the prize draw.
ReplyDeleteHappy blog birthday
ReplyDeleteHappy Blog Birthday! 300 followers? I'm impressed - my blog is about six weeks younger than yours, and I've struggled to reach my current 75ish :(
ReplyDeleteI'm up for the prize draw though :)
Happy Birthday dear Blog! I'd love to go in the draw again.
ReplyDeleteHappy blog birthday to wargaminggirl, Tamsin. You've done well to growing so quickly and to keep the content of high quality. Keep up the good work in 2013.
ReplyDeleteI will put my name in the draw, thanks.
Happy Birthday to your blog Tamsin. Stick me in please
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary! Looks like it was a great 2012, hope we see more of the same for 2013. Stick my name in the hat please!
Happy Blog Birthday Tamsin! Good luck with all your plans for the year.
ReplyDeleteHappy blog birthday Tamsin. And congratulations on your 300+ followers.
ReplyDeleteOf course you can count me in for the prize draw ;)
Me too... :o))
ReplyDeletePS. Happy blog birthday!
Happy first Birthday, seems more like two years but in a good way. I would like to enter as well. seeing as you did so well for the others
Tamsin, may I wish you a very happy blog birthday! Many congratulations! Very best of luck on your plans....that's going to be a lot of plastic!!
ReplyDeleteHappy blogday! Loving your work ma'am.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me into the draw.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! Keep up the good work and add my name to the draw.
Best of luck with the plans Tamsin, and I'd like to enter please!
ReplyDeleteWell - just joined the ranks after following this Blog for a while (put it on the favourites on my bloglist).
ReplyDeleteI'd like to enter as well.
Happy birthday and good luck for your plans (I stopped to do such things - it never worked :-D)!
Happy First Birthday Your Blogness!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me for the draw as well please?
All the best for 2013 and another productive year!
Happy Birthday and good luck for your plans!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to enter as well.
A belated happy birthday! I've thoroughly enjoyed all your posts this year and look forward to more this year - my new year's resolution is to comment more!
ReplyDeleteAll the best, Kieran
Happy Blog Birthday Tamsin :-) and obviously I' m in your prize draw!
ReplyDeleteAnd Happy New Year ;-)
Happy birthday, and yes please, enter me into the draw :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your blog and good luck with your plans for 2013.
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to enter the prize draw.
Best regards
Happy Blog Birthday Tamsin and congrats. Please add me to the prize draw please :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Tamsin and congrats on reaching 300 followers and over 50000 hits with a year.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blog Birthday Tamsin! And well done on the other two milestones as well! I'd love to enter your comp!
ReplyDeleteOoh... Count me in too please!
ReplyDeleteOooh, what a lot of lovely comments. Thanks all - without you this blog would be nothing :)
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me for the prize draw.
With a bit of luck I'll see you for a game down the club this year, though probably not until after the summer.
Happy blogging birthday, Tamsin!
ReplyDelete300 followers and 50K hits is really successful work!
Please put me in the draw.
Count me in girl!
ReplyDeleteHappy blogirthday! Please put me in the draw!
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogday to you, happy blogday to you!
ReplyDeleteplease put me in the draw.
Congratulations and make a wish! Your tremendous output is always inspiring.
ReplyDeleteI would love to be entered into this drawing. Can't wait to see who wins.
Count me in too!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on some great blogging milestones!
Great blog - keep up the good work
ReplyDeletePlease enter me into the prize draw
Quite possibly last to the post with seconds (well, minutes, but seconds sounds much more dramatic) to spare, please put me down for the contest.
ReplyDelete50K+ hits, 300+ followers, umpteen hundreds of figures painted and oodles of posts - I'd become jealous if I could get my fingers of the reload button. Congratulations and by all means keep going :)