About Me

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London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A mythical beast - a female wargamer! I got back into wargaming in the summer of 2011 after a very, very long break and haven't looked back since. I must admit that I seem to be more of a painter/collector than a gamer, but do hope to correct that at some point in the near future. My gaming interests span the ages, from the "Biblical" era all the way through to the far future. I enjoy games of all sizes, from a handful of figures up to major battles (see my megalomaniacally sized Choson Korean and Russian Seven Years War armies).

Monday, 16 March 2020

AHPC X Day 87 - Twenty-Fifth Submission - Last of the Strontium Dog Figures

My twenty-fifth submission saw me finish* painting figures for my Strontium Dog game collection. I have now painted every figure in the range (the Stix twice). It got posted this afternoon: [link]

Oh, and there was a 15mm camel as well.

I still haven't decided what to do for the last few days. Today I got various non-hobby chores done instead.

* I do have some of the old Foundry ones unpainted.


  1. Weird and whacky! - but I kind of like 'em!!!

  2. Not Our Universe or Our Kind of Blonde ... but well done Tamsin!

  3. Fantastic work on all of these excellent models Tamsin

  4. @ Herkybird - cheers! :)

    @ L'Empereur - merci! :)

    @ Dave Stone - thanks! :)

    @ Neil - cheers! :)
