About Me

My photo
London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A mythical beast - a female wargamer! I got back into wargaming in the summer of 2011 after a very, very long break and haven't looked back since. I must admit that I seem to be more of a painter/collector than a gamer, but do hope to correct that at some point in the near future. My gaming interests span the ages, from the "Biblical" era all the way through to the far future. I enjoy games of all sizes, from a handful of figures up to major battles (see my megalomaniacally sized Choson Korean and Russian Seven Years War armies).

Sunday, 26 July 2015

She Has Picked...

...up a paintbrush!

Yes, that's right, I have hit the brushes again and done some work on the 6mm Union boys. Photos for proof:



Another two evening sessions should see them finished.


  1. Good job Hooker needs his troops!

  2. Nice one Tamsin, I wondered what the post was gonna be???

  3. Very nice looking blues :)

  4. Excellent
    Good to see this project progressing

  5. Well done! There will be no stoping you now.

  6. Excellent effort - you paint 6mm figs wonderfully

  7. And the mystery is solved; not a bug, not new shinies, not a new project - but paint brushes! Go you!
