About Me

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London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A mythical beast - a female wargamer! I got back into wargaming in the summer of 2011 after a very, very long break and haven't looked back since. I must admit that I seem to be more of a painter/collector than a gamer, but do hope to correct that at some point in the near future. My gaming interests span the ages, from the "Biblical" era all the way through to the far future. I enjoy games of all sizes, from a handful of figures up to major battles (see my megalomaniacally sized Choson Korean and Russian Seven Years War armies).

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Paint Table Saturday 16 July 2022

 Progress has been made on the half-tracks and StuG. Not much, but progress nonetheless. All the initial airbrushing has been done. Tomorrow I will try to get all the initial non-airbrush work done - tires, tracks, benches, MGs, etc. Then everything will get a quick gloss coat before I add decals, followed by another thing gloss coat, panel lining, a thin matt coat, weathering, a final thin gloss coat and a final matt coat. Depending on how hot things get here in London I might get them finished by Wednesday, but suspect the end of the week is more likely.

Whilst on the subject of my Waffen SS, my order from The Assault Group arrived on Thursday:

OK, there's a pack of WW2 Japanese casualties in there as well.

And then there was this pack:

Pete's told me to keep them and is sending me out a correct pack. Once those are here, I will get them prepped and ready for priming once the vehicles are done. On the vehicle front, I suspect that I will end up ordering a few more to give "options"...

3D Printing - Type S Scout

She's very nearly there!

I've only got three/four more steps to print (depending on whether I print the two rear landing gear assemblies in one go or separately). Assuming no issues, I should have them all printed out by Monday morning, at which point I will probably turn the printer off for a couple of days.

There are (thankfully only) four or five pieces where sharp corners lifted during the print and which I might want to reprint. If I do decide to do that, I have the files ready to go, but it's about 3-4 days of printing. The "lifted" parts can always be used to test things out (best size of OpenLock clips; paint schemes; etc).


  1. A fancy mix of thrills to behold, crossing genres ;)

    1. It's crossing the streams that I need to watch out for! :)

  2. Nice looking progress Tamsin, and great your order has arrived and the scout ship is looking great.

    1. Cheers! I've got a lot of PLA sanding ahead of me! :)

  3. Sadly no M42 but the mixed headgear seems accurate.🤣

    1. I understand that they are wearing the experimental Quetzalmuster camo... :D

  4. Man, that ship looks menacing! I look forward to seeing how the vehicles turn out too.
    I know its hot at the mo and not good for painting, but I always try to get a colour a day minimum and the figures do get done!!

    1. It's the black filament, isn't it, making it look menacing? ;)

  5. It looks good so far.... very Type S from the old books. *smiles* and 3 -4 more days of printing, how hot must it be in your house ?

    1. The 3-4 days is for possible reprinting of certain parts; the last few parts from the initial run were completed on Monday.
      My understanding is that the model is designed from the Trav 5 floor plans, so quite similar to the classic LBB version.
      As for the heat in my flat, it got very hot on Monday and Tuesday, but I'd turned the printer off before it got really bad. :)

  6. Ahh, I see, that explains the really small common room behind the staterooms. Looking fun all the same :)

    1. Some of the changes were down to "how the heck can we make these 2D plans work in a 3D model?", not an easy job with the spearhead shape of the ship. They've had to make a few changes to the Beowulf they are designing at the moment - slightly longer, slightly taller, slight rearrangement of some rooms.

  7. Heh yes, head ducking not an option with the figures fighting thru the rooms :)
