I've continued to be busy since my post on Wednesday, as the workbench above testifies. After my post on Wednesday, I spent a while making these:
Lots of strips of (roughly 1:50 scale) 3' x 6' corrugated iron sheets for cladding building roofs. I've probably prepared more than I'll need, but if I haven't then it's easy enough to knock some more out.
Jungle Bases
I've almost finished the "open" secondary jungle test bases:
After taking the photo I decided to add herbs on the path areas. Tomorrow, my first job is to airbrush some scenic cement onto the scrub mix, then I will "fix" the herbs with my paint/PVA mix. When that has dried I can do the brown ink glaze over everything, then spray everything with matte varnish. I suspect that will have to wait until Monday now that the weather has cooled down again.
I've also made a start on some more scatter bases to go in clearings and some secondary jungle bases with removable trees:
To help plan things out, I also based up some trees:
I'll start adding foliage to them tomorrow.
I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts...
Well, very nearly. I'd ordered another 60 coconut palm trees and they arrived on Thursday. I got them prepped straight away:
Yesterday I coated the trunks with thinned frame sealant and got them painted today:
I still need to spray and drybrush the fronds - another job for tomorrow, then I can stick them onto bases, ready for use with the plantation bases. I guess that means that when my current batch of test jungle bases are done and dusted I'll need to work on the plantation terrain tiles.
Going Bananas...
I decided, ahead of spraying them, to stick the banana plants onto their bases (a 25mm round base with a 15mm round base glued on top to add height and also depth for gluing the plastic peg into - after drilling holes):
That's another batch for tomorrow's spraying queue. There are another eighty on their way to me as we speak...
"You Say Stay, I Sago..."
In one of the deliveries of model trees I received on Thursday was a pack of Sago palms:
I've prepped the six larger ones today:
These will be for swamp bases. The smaller ones might get used for village gardens.
Lots Of Delivered Goodies
Trees, Please, Louise...
You've already seen the coconut palms, but in this lot there are also a bunch of pine, deciduous and fruit trees. The fruit trees are going to become rubber trees; the pine and deciduous trees will be for primary and secondary jungle. I've probably got about the same again wending their way from China.
I've had a few deliveries of MDF stuff since Wednesday.
Products For Wargamers:
Scatter terrain and hedge bases |
Large, medium and small terrain bases |
Charlie Foxtrot:
Oasis and small tree bases |
I also received another pack of Terrain Sets 1 & 2 (not shown).
I'm thinking of using the oasis toppers (and the ones from the pond bases I'd bought previously) on large terrain bases for swamp areas:
Similarly with the tree bases, I'm thinking of putting the toppers on larger bases for primary jungle:
I should ask Colin if he'd sell the toppers separately.
15mm round bases, "washers" and buildings |
Bahay Kubo and Payag huts |
I think I probably have enough buildings in the "to make and paint" pile for now:
I've also ordered a bunch of terrain and tree bases from Wargames Tournaments, but they haven't arrived yet.
Foaming At The Mouth...
Reviewing various videos on making clump foliage, it seems that people get better results using denser upholstery foam, particularly the composite or chip foam. Looking around for some to try for myself, I found some yoga blocks (12" x 8" x 2") on Amazon which should do me for several large batches and for not very much money. I bought a two-pack:
I've cut and chunked a 2" wide strip from one of them ready for blending.
This Is The Dawning Of The Age of Aquariu(m Plant)s...
The "dwarf" version of the hairgrass mat arrived today, along with another mat of "dwarf" plants:
On opening the dwarf hairgrass mat, I realised that it would actually look much better than the kunai grass clumps I've been making, and also much easier and quicker to do the kunai grass with. As a result, I've ordered another two mats from that supplier. As I'll be spacing the plants out more than they are on the mat, three mats in total should be enough to cover the area I'll need.