
Wednesday 14 September 2022

Wednesday Workbench 14 September 2022


I'm making good progress on the second Waffen SS squad. If all goes well, I should have them finished before the weekend.

3D Printing

I've printed two more models since Sunday:

The model on the left is a very early 1:270 design by 2nd Dynasty; the one on the right is a new 28mm aerospace fighter that they've just released to tie in with another creator's cyberpunk campaign on My Mini Factory.

I have now bought a filament dryer to see if that fixes the problem I was having with the grey filament. It arrived today and I've got the grey spool drying in it at the moment. I weighed the spool before putting it in - 896g; after four hours it was down to 893g so it does seem that my suspicion about the cause of the stringing was correct. I'll weight it again at 8 hours (about 11pm tonight) and again tomorrow afternoon after 24 hours.


  1. Great looking SS and the ships look very crisp.

    1. Cheers! The ships need a little bit of cleaning up before I paint them - that will be a batch job once all the SS are finished.

  2. Looking forward to seeing how the spaceships turn out. Good work.

    1. It will be a while until the ships get painted - there's fair bit of cleaning up to do before they're ready for priming.
