
Saturday 17 September 2022

Finished: 28mm Waffen SS Squad 2


A day later than anticipated, but still quicker than the first squad! Yes, this is the riflemen and second MG42 team for the second squad of my core platoon. As they ended up being finished today, tomorrow will be Paint Table Sunday.


MG 42 Team

And a photo of the full squad (including the NCO and first MG42 team):

The figure without camo is from The Assault Group, the others are all from Artizan.

I'm all set to begin painting the third squad tomorrow; with luck they'll be finished on Tuesday which will complete the core platoon. After that I'll probably do some of the non-squad supports before doing the support option squad.


  1. Very nice, or smart looking rather than nice, bad guys.

  2. Excellent work on the Germans Tamsin

  3. They look splendid, I only hope they bring you victory in your gaming!

    1. As they are an OpFor to use with my British Airborne, I'd much rather they lose! :)
