
Tuesday 13 September 2022

Finished: 28mm Waffen SS Squad 1


And that is the first squad for the core platoon complete (I've already painted the NCOs and three MG42 teams). The extra figures are the seven riflemen and an additional MG 42 team which will allow em to field them as either infantry or as Panzergrenadiers. There is also a surplus MG42 figure (the kneeling chap) which I decided to paint up alongside this squad.


MG42 Teams

The MG42 teams and the figures not in smocks are from The Assault Group; the smocked figures are from Artizan.

Here's a shot of all the Squad 1 figures together:

The figures for Squad 2 are now on the paint table and I've even started painting them. Hopefully I'll have them finished a little bit quicker now that my 3D printer issues seem to be resolved.


  1. Those are...very nice indeed! You have indeed given 'the Bad Guys' the nicest uniforms!

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty sure it was Hugo Boss who gave them those uniforms though... :)

  2. Excellent work on your Germans Tamsin, they look fantastic all set up together. Look forward to reading about your fix with the printing

    1. Cheers! The "fix" was simply to switch to a different spool of filament. :)

  3. Quite an impressive group, great camouflage.
