
Sunday 18 September 2022

Paint Table Sunday 18 September 2022


I've made quite good progress on the third squad of Waffen SS today:

Assuming no interruptions tomorrow, I should have them finished on Tuesday.

3D Printing

Here's what I printed today:

I decided to print a "slice" of the Judge Dredd helmet file I have to see if it will fit me when scaled down to 90% to fit on my printer. It does, with just enough space for foam padding. Printing it did highlight a few setting issues which I'll need to address when I do actually print a full helmet. Overall, I think I might wait until I have a larger printer so I can print it full size.

Inside the slice is a bust of Old Stoney Face himself:

It's scaled down to 25%; I've got another one scaled to 50% printing right now.

During the week, while browsing on Thingiverse (a site for free 3D printing files) I stumbled across a few pieces that evoked a strong nostalgic buzz. I've printed a couple of them since Wednesday:

No, not some kinky toys. Those who are old enough (and likely British) will recognise these as props from Blake's 7 - a teleporter bracelet and blaster from the Liberator. At some point I will reprint the coiled bit and "wand" stem in clear filament - I did them in this purple to see how well they printed. I'll also need to order some DIN connectors and black curly cable to complete the blaster. I might even get some leather to do the belt for them...


  1. I only recognised the 'Blakes Seven' theme when I saw the blaster! who are you going to Cos play, Jenna or Cally?

  2. Nice progress on the Germans Tamsin, and some interesting printing as well, can't go wrong with a bit of Blakes 7

    1. Thanks! I think it's time to dig out the box-sets again! :)
