
Wednesday 21 September 2022

Wednesday Workbench 21 September 2022


I haven't quite finished the third squad for a couple of reasons. For once it's not because I've managed to distract myself. I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday (it's a cold which broke out properly this morning) and I'd also managed to strain my right wrist slightly thanks to a quite large and heavy book I'm reading at the moment. 

However, I rallied around today and almost got them finished today - I've just for he camo dots, metals and the breast eagle on one figure to paint before they get varnished. Oh, and the bases need to be drybrushed as well.

3D Printing

I've printed a few odds and sods since the weekend:

Jukebox and arcade games

Junction boxes

Hangar taxi and load lifter

I also printed the Judge Dredd bust at 50% and 75%:

One of them will become a terrain piece - the Statue of Justice.

Over the next few days I will probably be printing a lot more odds and sods, mostly little bits for tarting up buildings, scatter terrain and bits like that.


  1. Great work on the Germans Tamsin, and so close to another squad finished, some cool looking prints, and sounds like a cool use for the JD model as a statue of justice terrain piece.

    1. Thanks! I was originally going to keep it as a bust, but then had the idea about using it as terrain. The big question is whether or not to paint it with Chopper's tag. :)

  2. Wow. I admire your productivity. I wish I had the energy you seem to have.

    1. Cheers! I don't have that much energy really, but I do have time and a lack of commitments that allows me to make use of what energy I do have! :)
