
Sunday 27 September 2020

Paint Table Sat.. Errr...Sunday 27 September

 I didn't post during the week as there wasn't anything really worth showing. I could have posted yesterday, but as I knew I would have more to show today I decided to wait.

I finished painting the ancient German cavalry figures yesterday and this morning I varnished them and popped them off their painting sticks:

This afternoon I sorted out all of the figures (foot and mounted) and glued them onto bases:

I may have mentioned before that I will be using these for both "Infamy, Infamy!" and Art de la Guerre, which is why you will notice some odd basing. 

For "Infamy, Infamy!" the Germans have an option of "foot cavalry" where a unit of foot warriors can move with a unit of cavalry before deploying to fight. To represent those I have done some bases with one mounted and four foot figures to replace the rear rank of a cavalry unit until the foot warriors deploy.

For the foot warriors I have done eight 40mm x 30mm bases with eight figures each. They can be used for Heavy Foot in AdlG; for "Infamy, Infamy!" barbarian warrior groups are meant to be ten figures, so I have done an equal number of 40mm x 20mm bases with two figures each to put behind them and added dice cells to record casualties and fervour/shock:

I've used the command figures (and some spare foot figures) to make up a set of four command stands for AdlG. I'll be buying some individual figures from Donnington to use as leaders for "Infamy, Infamy!" - they will be mounted on individual bases.

Over the next couple of days I will be finishing the basing on these.


  1. Great deal of work done there Tamsin, and excellent way of basing your figures to work with both systems.

  2. Looking good! The extra bases for the dice wells is quite a neat idea actually

  3. That is a lot of horsemen! Congrats on getting them all done!

  4. Great work. I like the additional bases

  5. @ Dave Stone - thanks! :)

    @ Nick - cheers! I'll need to do some bases with just dice cells for other units at some point. :)

    @ Herkbird - thanks! There are only 33 mounted figures - hardly a lot for me! :)

    @ Neil - cheers! :)

    @ Ray - thanks! :)

  6. Hey we have the same idea for using 15mm figures for Infamy Infamy!
