
Saturday 19 September 2020

Paint Table Saturday 19 September

With things seemingly going so well with painting my ancient Germans, it should have been obvious that something would happen along to mess things up. And it did. The day after my last post I went down with a cold. That cleared within a couple of days but it did trigger a bout of my chronic fatigue which meant that once I had done essential things like shopping, washing up, cleaning, etc, I didn't have any energy left for painting. 

It did, however, allow me to watch this year's Tour de France and the last week has been one of the most interesting I can remember for several years, particularly today's individual time trial - congratulations to Tadez Pogaca who rode a blistering race to win the stage and add the Polka Dot (King of the Mountains) and Yellow (overall leader) jerseys to the White (best young rider) jersey, coming back from 57 seconds down in 2nd place overall to a lead of about a minute over his older compatriot, Primoz Roglic. Oh, and he will be celebrating his 22nd birthday on Monday!

But that's enough of a digression, you want to read about my painting exploits. Over the past couple of days I have been getting back into the swing of painting and have now finished painting all of the infantry and popped them off their sticks:

That leaves me with all of these to paint:

I will be making a start on these tomorrow:

There are eight slingers and twenty figures for command stands (leaders, standards and horn blowers).  If everything goes OK, I should finish painting them on Monday and I can then work on the cavalry for the rest of the week.

ps - I hate the new interface for writing blog posts.


  1. So glad to hear your feeling better Tamsin, the painting you've done looks good and lot's more to come as well.
    I don't think I've read one positive comment on the new Blogger, personally not a fan, but certainly not having as many problems as so many others I've read

  2. Good to hear you're back in action Tamsin and have been enjoying the Tour De France. I'm reasonably happy this year with the Aussie Richie Porte in 3rd place after the 20th stage. Looking forward to seeing those Germans flying off the painting table. Cheers Greg

  3. I'm with you on the Blogger interface. Also, your ambition is breathtaking as always.

  4. I am with you on new Blogger--awful!
    I hope you are well over your fatigue, and are enjoying painting more lovely figures!!!

  5. Glad your feeling better. Have to agree about the new Blogger interface.

  6. Glad you're feeling better. Nice progress on your Germans

  7. @ Dave Stone - cheers! :)

    @ Greg - thanks! It was good to see Richie Porte finally on the podium in Paris. :)

    @ Slovak - cheers! :)

    @ Herkybird - thanks! :)

    @ Lee - cheers! :)

    @ Neil - thanks! :)

  8. Great work Tamsin.

    I also love the Tour.

    Not a fan of the new blog format either. But you get what you pay for...
