
Tuesday 29 September 2020

Finished: 15mm Ancient Germans


I should say "Finished For Now" - I still need to order and paint a few leader figures for "Infamy, Infamy!" and will need to add some more bases of infantry to make a full army for Art de la Guerre.

Light Foot for AdlG:

Skirmishers for Infamy, Infamy!:

Warriors for Infamy, Infamy!/Heavy Foot for AdlG:

There are three bases with horn-blowers that will be elite oathsworn warriors for Infamy, Infamy:

Rear rank two-figure bases for Infamy, Infamy!:

(Not quite) Naked Fanatics:

Foot Cavalry Bases for Infamy, Infamy!:

Cavalry (for both!):

Light Cavalry for AdlG:

Command Stands for AdlG:

And the figures in their storage box:

I will need to order some more figures from Lancashire Games at some point to make up a few extra heavy foot and a load of medium foot bases for AdlG; I might also order some extra javelin/spear figures to make some "levy" bases for Infamy, Infamy!.

I haven't decided what to paint next. I do have a few 28mm figures ready to go for my Judge Dredd collection, and I should probably get the Romans glued onto painting sticks ready for priming.


  1. These look excellent Tamsin, very impressive as a total force

  2. Always good to get near the end of a project! What's next, one may ask?

  3. Excellent work Tamsin.

    Who makes the mini's? I get the impression that they are from all Lankashire Games but are they all the same manufacturer?

  4. Tamsin,
    Great work and productivity as always.

  5. @ Greyhawk Grognard - thank you! :)

    @ Dave Stone - cheers! :)

    @ Neil Scott - thanks! :)

    @ Herkybird - it surely is. Next up are the Imperial Romans. :)

    @ Darrell - cheers! They are all Lancashire Games from Lancashire Games! :)

    @ Carl - thanks! :)

    @ Graham C - cheers! :)

    @ Ray - thanks! :)
