
Sunday 19 January 2020

AHPC X Day 30 - Seventh Submission and Sunday Workbench 19 January

My Seventh submission has just been posted: link

I had fun producing those, but it was quite a long process, mainly due to drying times at various stages.

Now, however, I can switch back to painting things which don't cause a lot of down-time. I've already started work on my ninth submission, which I'll be finishing before I begin my eighth one. Yes, I know that doesn't make sense, but it's how I roll.

Anyway, here are the obligatory workbench pics:

I should get the painting finished tomorrow, then it's just a case of basing them.


  1. You can never get too much weird and whacky terrain for games! I have tons of one use stuff!

  2. Great looking scenery Tamsin, and the lizardmen are looking good too

  3. Nice looking lizzies. Where did you get them? I've just bought a bunch too for my 15mm portable wargame fantasy project but not the same ones...

  4. @ Herkybird - weird and whacky stuff is always good to have :)

    @ Dave Stone - cheers! :)

    @ Millsy - thanks! They're 10mm from Magister Militum :)
