
Wednesday 15 January 2020

AHPC X Day 26 - Wednesday Workben...Sixth Submission

Sorry, no, you're not getting a "Wednesday Workbench" post this week for two very good reasons.

First off, my sixth submission has been posted a bit earlier than I'd expected:

You can find the post here: link

Secondly, I'm working on my next Challenge Island entry and I'm keeping it under wraps until it's finished and up on the Challenge blog. You shouldn't have to wait for too long to see it though, if all goes to plan.


  1. Fantastic work on the dames Tamsin, look forward to the reveal of the next entry, who doesn't like a cool surprise ! LOL

  2. A mid week tipple eh? Sounds good to me.

  3. Excellent reason to break open the champagne!

  4. I think you’ve earned the right to enjoy those bubbles, look forward to seeing the mystery project.

  5. @ Dave Stone - thanks! :)

    @ Michael A - cheers! Mid-week and mid-afternoon! :)

    @ Nick - thanks! It was! :)

    @ Mark - cheers! *hic* :)

  6. The colours on those dresses really pop - very nice brush work..
