
Wednesday 1 January 2020

AHPC X Day 12 - 8th Blogiversary Post

Bloomin' 'eck! It really is eight years since I began this blog. Incredibly, I haven't got bored of it and people still seem to enjoy my posts so something must be going right.

After AHPC X ended, I had a fallow couple of months in terms of painting, but since then I have more than made up for it. There has been quite a bit of terrain assembled and painted; my SYW Russians saw the final nine musketeer regiments painted (just in time for our club's Kunersdorf game) along with some dismounted dragoons and more artillery; my WW2 Australians have been reinforced, as have my Choson Koreans and my Dragon rampant wolf pack; oh, and I began what was intended to be a platoon (plus supports) of WW2 British Airborne which seems to have become a company (plus supports).

September was my busiest month of blogging, mostly thanks to my Arnhem 75th anniversary series which focused on the 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron. I mostly managed to write 2 or 3 posts a week, except for April and May (my fallow months). I hope to keep to that level of posts this year.

On The Workbench

The generals are finished apart from flocking...

...and I have been working on some converged grenadiers. Basecoats are done, and I have started the touch-ups, highlights and details.

2020 Plans

Once this year's Challenge is over my main hobby plans for this year are:

1) Terrain - I need to get on with building my terrain collection. Mind you, that will have to wait until I have a little more space (I will be moving out of London this year). I'll be wanting terrain for New Guinea, Arnhem, Mega City One, Mexicagrave...
2) No new armies, but I can add to existing forces (and paint/add to armies that have been bought but not painted)
3) Have a bit of a clear out - there are some painted figures that I very much doubt will ever see the table and a huge pile which I doubt will ever be painted. Some may be donated to the club, others sold off at shows.
4) Finish off some of my incomplete projects - the Sarmatians, Buccaneers and Aztecs spring to mind)
5) Get more games in - I haven't done much gaming in 2019. I might even try some solo gaming.
6) Shows - Salute is a definite; other shows may depend on my move out of London.
7) Painting - I do want to improve my painting skills this year by working on character figures and trying new techniques.

Anyhoos, that's enough rabbiting on from me. Happy 2020 folks and thanks for all your comments on my blog posts!


  1. Congrats on the blog anniversary and best wishes for your gaming plans.

  2. Your blog is still one of my favourite haunts, I love the Russian Generals, Mine always look good on the table with those lovely blue cloaks!

  3. Happy birthday!

    Your work ethic is a continuing inspiration to me. Hope you get more games in!

  4. Happy blogiversary Tamsin! Hope you have a great 2020 mate.

  5. Eight wonderful years - a tremendous achievement, Tamsin!! Happy Blogg-iversary, indeed. Really looking forward to seeing you plans unfurl for 2020, and following all your posts in Challenge X! Very best wishes and Happy New Year.

  6. A Happy New Year Tamsin! I thoroughly enjoyed your Arnhem series. I'm thinking more and more about solo gaming, mainly due to my main gaming partner Chris is living an 1.5 hrs drive away, so I'd appreciate any thoughts of yours on that matter.

  7. Happy blog day’ and New Year . That look like a good year ahead . Good luck with moving

  8. Congrats on the 8 years and look forward to seeing more of your work

  9. Many congratulations on the blogday Tamsin, a substantial milestone.

  10. Congrats for your 8th blog anniversary ^^

    And Happy new year ^^


  11. Happy Blogday Tamsin, have enjoyed reading your blog since following and was a pleasure to meet you in person, many thanks to showing all the games from shows. Hope your move goes better than mine did, and once you've moved your more than welcome to come up for a painying session, where I may be able to show you some new techniques. Hope you have a great 2020

  12. Congratulations on 8 years of blogging! 😀

  13. @ Matt - thanks! :)

    @ Herkybird - cheers! :)

    @ Herbert - thanks! :)

    @ Millsy - cheers! Hopefully yours will improve soon - stay safe, mate! :)

    @ Sidney - thanks! HNY! :)

    @ Nick - cheers! I've only ever done one solo game, so I'm not the best person to advise you :)

    @ Dave D - thanks! :)

    @ Neil S - cheers! :)

    @ Michael A - thanks! :)

    @ Morikun - cheers! :)

    @ Dave Stone - thanks! I may take you up on that offer :)

    @ Stew - cheers! :)

  14. Good grief Tamsin, that's an ambitious list. I'm sure you'll get pretty close to it, you're projects do seem to come off - wish mine could.

    Missed that you were moving out of the smoke - where to, approx?

    1. It's not really that ambitious a list, compared to some years. Most of the painting projects will only take 2-4 weeks to complete; the terrain may take a bit longer.

      My current thinking of new home is Newark/Nottingham area, unless I win the lottery!

  15. Ah ha, wargaming Galactic Centre, then.
