
Saturday 28 December 2019

AHPC X Day 08 - Saturday Workbench 28 December

As it happens, I took a few days off from painting this week - Tuesday and Wednesday were mostly taken up with cooking and eating, then I decided to catch up on DVDs the last two days. I finally resumed painting this afternoon and finished these chaps off.  they've been varnished and I'll get the basing done tomorrow.

I had some goodies arrive on Tuesday:

Some acrylic bases (for my Judge Dredd figures). some MDF factory buildings and some fillable Christmas Tree baubles.

"Fillable Christmas Tree baubles?"

Yes, to do this:

It's for Judge Dredd - in Mega City One, there is a breathable, bouncy plastic called "Boing!" and some bored citizens have been known to create spheres around themselves, launch off tall buildings and then bounce around until they eventually come to a halt. Of course, this tends to cause lots of damage to property and citizens that happen to get "Boinged" - the Judges are certainly not amused by such antics and the perps will find themselves in the Iso-Cubes for at very least a few months.


  1. Hope your feeling better Tamsin, the cavalry looks great, the delivery looks cool and great idea for the Boing spheres

  2. That's a neat idea with those Christmas baubles.

  3. Enter the New Year with Dredd! - sounds like a good idea!

  4. Nice work on those cavalry and great idea for the Boing!

  5. Two points to clarify:
    1) Those are commanders, not cavalry!
    2) I'd love to claim the "Boing!" idea as my own, but I actually nicked it off someone else! :)

    @ Dave Stone - much better thanks! :)

    @ Nick - cheers! :)

    @ Herkybird - quite a bit to do before I get to Dredd :o

    @ Paul SS - thanks! :)

  6. Salutations ^^

    I didn't know your blog before and I take time to visit it... What a big diversity of yours indeed !! O_o'

    I really like it... So I registered and put your blog on the blogroll of my Temple ^^ :

    Please, don't hesitate to put an eye on it ^^

