
Sunday 2 April 2017

Desert Terrain Day 01

This afternoon and early evening I've been working on the desert terrain. The first job was to paint the undersides of the bases:

Once the second light coat had dried, I sorted out which bases would get used for which terrain types and marked them up. I've assigned three boards each for fields and plantations. For quick and easy furrow texture I cut out bits of textured wallpaper from a sample I picked up a while ago, then stuck them on using spray adhesive. 

Note to self - do not buy the cheap cans from pound shops. The glue comes out in globs and the nozzle soon blocks up. 

I also needed a gully piece so I cut a rough shape from 10mm styrofoam then shaped it with a hot-wire cutter. As the spray glue had crapped out on me by then I haven't been able to stick it in place on one of the bases.

I then cut some pieces of 10mm styrofoam for gentle hills. I've started shaping the edges with the hot-wire cutter - I'll carry on tomorrow night. I also cut out a suitably sized piece of 50mm styrofoam and roughly carved it to resemble a rocky plateau for a piece of "impassable terrain".

I'm going to need to get some more sheets of ePVC as I've decided the mount the hills and plateau on bases to help protect them.

So, here's a pic of everything so far:

Tomorrow I'll be doing some work with Milliput - the fields and plantations need to be edged (and maybe divided up) with ditches and water channels and I need to make some dunes on three of the bases. That leaves three bases, one which will be for scrubland.

Another job I need to do for this project is to make up a load of tufts and bits of sage-brush


  1. Hiya Tamsin. A good start, that's for sure. I need more desert terrain myself, for North African battles, mainly. I'm pretty set for buildings, for once, but I need more rocky patches and such, I think. Certainly more trails/dirt roads. And a decent oasis. I did one up for Mars a few years ago and I've never liked it.

  2. Looks like there's lots going on between this and your jungle post!

  3. Hi

    Have you ever tried tree bark for your rock outcroppings? Check out this website for how to make them

    Bill D

  4. Busy , busy ... nice to see

  5. From jungles to deserts ..
    I'm curious how it will end ..

  6. @ JWomack - yup, a good start. Now I've just got to finish them :)

    @ Michael A - thanks! :)

    @ Millsy - yup, lots going on :)

    @ William - is that "Bill D from Iowa"? I have considered that method for if/when I do proper pieces for gaming at home. For now I'm just doing easily transportable pieces for club games :)

    @ Dave D - cheers! :)

    @ Alessandro - I hope you won't be disappointed :)

  7. Sorry about the glue globs. Loved the note to self though. I do that sorta thing too.
