
Tuesday 22 April 2014

More Gangsters #3

I didn't think I'd got that much done today, but looking again I realise how close to finished they are. I just need to finish the eyes, do the last flesh highlights, metal highlights on the guns and to highlight the shoes.

Looking at the photos, I might need to knock back a couple of the highlights with a wash of the base colour.

It also appears (from Fran's comment on my last post) that one of these figures will have to be Postie. I bet the others I named will be wanting figures as well. Well, Postie will get his, but the others can sleep with the fishes!


  1. You got more done today, than I did. Looks good, too.

  2. Great collection of pulp figures.

  3. At this rate Tamsin your going to need to add Pulp Gamer to your addictions

  4. The have come on so well since I last looked. Top notch. I agree with you don't give any away you are already known to be generous and anyone wanting a named one should be sent a fish wrapped in newspaper. Clint The Fudge says so capiche

    1. Don't be such a wise guy....capiche!

    2. Or a horse's head - must get some horse sprues from somewhere ;)

  5. Nice figures and a good paint work !
    They are not finished ? really??

  6. Fantastic work on these guys Tamsin!

  7. Awesome work on these thugs, Tasmin. I want a green suit too now!

  8. Thanks all!

    @ Terry - I'll be giving all of these away as gifts or prizes. then I might just buy some for myself :)

    @ Sam Wise - they are very, very close to finished. It's really just details left to do.

    @ Loki - most are OK, but I think that the highlights on the green and red-brown suits are a bit too exaggerated.

    @ DeanM - well, you'd have to sacrifice shinies spending to buy one. Do you really want to do that? ;)

  9. Great looking figures Tamsin!!

  10. Great painting Tamsin - quite a collection of these mobsters. Any boys in blue to sort them out?

  11. Those mobsters are really nice! well done on the painting, particularily the 'kipper' tie!
    Keep up the good work pet!

  12. @ Ray - cheers

    @ Dannoc - not at the moment. Maybe if I succumb to the temptation of gaming the Prohibition era

    @ Herkybird - thanks :)

  13. They are looking rather nice Tamsin! Great job!
