
Monday 21 April 2014

More Gangsters #2

I've made a bit of progress today, but not as much as I'd have liked. I must have slept awkwardly last night, as the joints of my right (painting!) arm are a bit painful. Luckily, I got a good amount done last night after my previous post. I will try to do a bit more tonight, to finish off the colours common to all the figures. Oh, crap - that means doing the eyes!

For the woodwork on the shotguns and Thompsons I tried out something new. Back when Model Zone were closing down, I bought a bottle of Vallejo Model Colour "Woodgrain", which is a transparent paint. I basecoated the wood with Tan earth then painted the Woodgrain over it. I think it's worked quite nicely. I also used it for the wooden floorboards of the "Mama" gangster figure.

Once I've got all the common colours done, I'll focus on individual figures and take each to completion in turn. I should manage to get a few done tomorrow and should have finished the lot by the end of the week.


  1. Looking good Tamsin. I particularly like the basing.

  2. Coming along very nicely Tamsin!

  3. Nicely done - maybe a "Millers Crossing" themed game?

  4. Great stuff Tamsin. I like that wood grain and often use it over brown to give a polished look to leather.

  5. Spoke to Postie today about his character, he's excited.

  6. Thanks all!

    @ Millsy and Loki - The bases were easy - mostly dry-brushing

    @ Miles - I'm not sure if they will be used for gaming (by me anyway). Mostly they'll be gifts

    @ Michael A - I'm impressed with my first use of it

    @ Fran - I only named people as part of the backstory for your figure. Now he expects one of the figures to be him? Aaaarrgghh!

  7. Tamsin, these look really great! I'm very impressed with the wood grain effect you've achieved. I'm going to hunt that Vallejo wood grain down!
