
Sunday 15 September 2013

Korean Artillery

I'm actually quite surprised. There was much less to do on these than I'd thought and I managed to finish painting them last night and even got the Klear/ink coat done. This morning I sprayed them with matt varnish and flocked them.

This afternoon I have primed the first 144 pirates. I've also done the base colour for the blue camo of the Spetsnaz figures. Unfortunately it seems to have dried a slightly darker shade than I'd planned, so I may have to go over them again.

But that's enough blather about them - you want pics of the artillery.

The figures are by Grumpy, available in the UK from East Riding Miniatures or from Eureka in Australia.

The Grumpy figures are certainly characterful, but a little, errmmm, chubby compared to the Koreans from Old Glory 15s. They were very nice to paint though.


  1. Un till I saw them I had no idea what Korean artillery of this period would look like. And now I know! I think they will fit nicely with the other troops. Well done.

  2. Quaint little figures and a lovely paint job.
    Regards Dan

  3. Nice figures Tamsin, I've not seen these before.

  4. You are providing the gaming world with a good bit of teaching with these troops. Lovely work as usual Tamisin.

    Now bring on the Pirates!

  5. "144 pirates" she says casually! Can't wait for those!

  6. Great looking stands, lovely work and very nice colors!

  7. Great models. i like the artillery. Look quite exotic

  8. They look a bit like old Essex figures and do paint up nice


  9. This has been a very interesting army. It has been fun to watch it develop.

  10. Cheers all! :)

    @ Clint - the Korean artillery was a mix of cannon and barrow mounted multiple rocket launchers, but I couldn't find the latter in 15mm.

    @ Anne - teaching? Well, I guess they are somewhat unusual and not well known. It's been very much a learning experience for me doing this army.

    @ Legatus - 144 is less than half of them! It's probably just as well they are 15/18mm ;)

    @ Phil - it's just as well the officers (and cavalry) are colourful as the rest of the army is pretty boring, being mostly white and black

  11. Great looking figures there and they look the part.
