
Sunday 22 September 2013

Ghost Pirates

Well, that's what they look like right now! I primed the last of them this morning and they will be staying ghostly for a while yet. Just in case you disbelieve me, here are some pics:

Artillery, ships boat and PyRats

Cimmaroons; Malays; Chinese; dead pirates; Skeleton Crew; dogs; bits for camps and command bases

Rebel Minis pirates

Mostly Blue Moon pirates with some Rebel Minis - this sheet has the Captains

And all together

More Koreans

To be able to use my Koreans for FoG:R, I really needed to get myself some arquebusiers. I also needed a handful for a small (4 base) unit of light foot for FoG:AM. Unfortunately, they come in packs of 4 arquebusiers and 4 crossbowmen. I've already got plenty of crossbowmen (possibly more than I actually need) so this was going to be awkward.

However, I cheekily emailed Tony at East Riding Miniatures to ask if it would be possible to just get the arquebusiers. He responded very quickly to say that it was but there would be a small extra charge to cover the extra labour involved. No problem - I had expected that would be the case if he could do the splitting. I sent another email to detail how many I needed and he sent me a Paypal invoice.

I was most (pleasantly!) surprised the next morning when he emailed to say they had been cast, he was about to pack them and they'd be in the post that afternoon. The postman did try to deliver them the next day, but the pack was slightly too big to go through the letterbox, so I collected them yesterday.

So, a big thumbs up for East Riding Miniatures - fantastic customer service.


  1. Damn, you don't do things by halves, do you?


  2. Well that lot should Keep you going till crimbo.

  3. I will go look at this fellow, always nice to try and support the good eggs


    1. Tony's a grand chap and straight as a die. I get virtually all my bases from him.

  4. That's a lot of Pirates! Holy Christ, from anyone else I'd say it can't be done, but you'll do it.

  5. I would be daunted to have that many figures waiting to be painted all at once. I take my hat off to you, you are braver than me! (Yes I'm a wimp I admit it!)

  6. Wow what an amount of models to paint. And you will do it in one go??? Really ??
    Looks like some sleepless nights in front of the painting desk.
    Cannot wait to see the final results.

    thumps up

  7. Avast my hearties, that's a lot of booty........sorry!

  8. That is a lot of pirates Aaaaaaar! Swab the decks matey

  9. @ FMB - why do things by halves when you can go the whole hog? :)

    @ Paul - I might have started them by Christmas....

    @ Ian - service from ERM has always been good with fast turnaround

    @ Gary - totally agree. Tony is great to do business with

    @ Anne - it's definitely a lot of work, but then all of my projects seem to be like that :)

    @ Clint - It's not that many more than my Swiss pikemen. Honest! ;)

    @ Markus - I'll probably do them in batches. Well, the Cimmaroons, Malays, Chinese, PyRats, Skeletons and dogs may be done separately at any rate :)

    @ Fran - I'll correct that for you " Avast behind - that's a lot of booty" ;)

    @ Andrew - when I get round to doing them, I'm sure they'll be painted up quicker than most people would believe possible :)

    @ Simon - swab the decks? That sounds far too much like housework! ;)

  10. Good lord, that's a lot of lead! This must be the ALL OPTIONS pirate build.

    I have to hide some of my unpainted lead as the sight of it on the table all at once dampens my spirit. Not you! ;-)

  11. Book the therapy early, Pirates, Pirates, I see Pirates - everywhere!

  12. No sleep for you then Tamsin! Enjoy!!

  13. This is going to be a grand project; and when you're finished, let the fun begin.
    Good luck.

  14. Hi tamsin,
    Will you be collecting 15 mm scale ships for these figures? A pirate-controlled town? Or are these being collected for skirmish type gaming? Or something else?
    A/K/A The Celtic Curmudgeon

  15. Pirates and Koreans...exotic subjects... :-)

