
Friday 22 March 2013

Challenge Entry #15 - My Final Entry; Secret Project(s)

My 15th and final entry in the 3rd Analogue Painting Challenge was 48 Swiss skirmishers - 24 each of handgunners and crossbowmen. As the Donnington Swiss range only had 2 variants for each of these, I also ordered a few from the Burgundian, WoTR and 100YW ranges to add a little bit of variety. These were painted up and based up in the last 4 days once the pikemen were completed. I submitted them on the last day, so the photos have been for a few days now.

By the way, those who weren't participating in the Challenge can vote for their favourite entry so please do head on over to Curt's blog, look through all 400 or so entries and then leave a comment on this post by 3pm April 7 (Saskatchewan time).

Back to the Swiss skirmishers - here are the pics:



Secret Projects

I've set myself 2 secret projects to complete over the next few weeks. They are related to each other. All I'm going to say is that most of what I need has been ordered, the rest I will get over the Easter break.


  1. This really was an awesome entry Tamsin - amazing!

  2. Brutal! I've had at least 48 15mm figs on the desk since the turn of the year! You're a machine!

  3. Very impressive - I'm rubbish and couldn't possibly paint to demand/a plan/time schedule etc...

  4. Still very impressive Tamsin. And you have secret projects. Hmmmmmmm

  5. Well done Tamsin, they look splendid. I really like the feel of the basing too!

  6. Looking forward to seeing the secret projects when on show.


  7. Thanks guys - glad you like them!

    @ Michael A - surely my Swiss pikemen were even more awesome! ;)

    @ Vladdd - the machine needs oiling and a full service after the last 3 months! :)

    @ Monty - I didn't really do much planning ahead during the Challenge, just got units ready to paint as I was close to finishing others.

    @ Seb - thanks! Yes, and only one other person knows what the secret projects are.

    @ Spacejacker - thanks! I think the basing would have looked batter with some ballast for small stones as well as the large rocks, but I needed to match the basing I'd done for the previous batches.

    @ Ross - you'll only have to wait a few weeks to see them! :)

  8. Love the fact you mixed in so many different ranges. It gives them real character. Lovely stuff.

  9. Good Work Tamsin. Makes my Swiss DBA army look really weak and hum drum now! Always nice to see a lot of figures massed up together.

  10. Nice work Tamsin, intrigued by the secret projects.

  11. Two secret projects! Crikey I'd have thought you might want a break!

  12. You did great in the PC, now wondering what the SP is, assume it's not historical?


  13. Secret projects?....interesting... ;-)


  14. @ Millsy - I thought it would look better to have the mix of poses, and it seems to have work :)

    @ Clint - I guess with DBA you have less bases (and figures) than you do with FoG, so there's less opportunity to get the variety and massed look

    @ Simon Q - thanks. All will be revealed in a few weeks.

    @ Phyllion - they're both small(ish) projects, so not too much work for me to do.

    @ Ian & Marzio - my lips are sealed!

  15. Lovely stuff as always Tamsin.
    Even more sp's.
    I'm back to the commissions grindstone now.
