
Monday 25 February 2013

Is it a Poltergeist?

The 23 Swiss pikemen I forgot to order have arrived! I really must crack on and get them all prepped and primed, ready for painting. There were a couple of other bits that I ordered at the same time in the packet, but my lips are sealed for the moment.

And my Norman infantry have been posted on Curt's blog. Whoopee! I've gained a massive lead on Ray, and even leaped past IanW and JohnM, putting me in 5th place behind that BFG, Fran.

I'm 286 points away from my revised target (which is double my original target). Can I paint up 143 Swiss infantry in the next 22 days? It's going to be a tough job to do that, but I'll definitely give it a good stab.

The crossbowmen, handgunners and artillery I prepped yesterday have been primed with gesso. This evening I've been prepping some more figures and will probably continue to do so for the rest of this week in the evenings.

My planned Saga game(s) at the club tonight suffered a setback - I woke up this morning with another grotty cold!


  1. Replies
    1. She's whooping you little man!

    2. So cruel Anne, but I have a sneaky feeling Ray will have something in reserve.

  2. Holy molly guacamole! Well done Tamsin.

  3. Double your original target and 5th place? You are on fire! Give 'em hell on the way to the finish line!

  4. The title to this post, cracked me up. You can do it, definitely you can do it. Be a machine!!

  5. And very nice they were too. It's going to be interesting the final run. I love the countdown clock as well. I think I will fail to make my second target but I have a chance


  6. Top one there Tamsin beating Ray too.

  7. @ Ray - I expect it will be short-lived. I *know* that you're painting up some huge load or other right now to try to take the top spot again!

    @ Seb - nothing holy about me! ;)

    @ Monty - not quite double my target yet, but it's in my sights now!

    @ Anne - but I want to be human, not a machine! :(

    @ Andrew - I think you could be onto something there. I'd better find out where he works and keep sending take-away bacon butties to him!

    @ Ian - cheers. The countdown clock is useful for letting you knwo just how little time there is left.

    @ PK - beating Ray? Just what kind of girl do you think I am? *lol*

  8. holy cow 143 infantry in 22 days, I'd be pleased if I could paint that many in months never mind days! good luck with that.
