
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Challenge Entry #'12

Although I'd sent them in as two separate entries, Curt combined them into a single post last night. My 44 Norman infantry scored me 242 points, whipping me past Ray, JohnM and IanW into 5th spot behind Fran. So, here you go with the pics!

First up, 2 warlords, 2 bannermen and 8 dismounted knights:

And 32 sergeants:

The sergeants have the same shield designs as the mounted knights I'd done previously - well, any knight who could afford to go mounted to battle with his lord would surely be expected to bring a couple of foot soldiers as well.

Prepping the Swiss Pikemen.

The figures I prepped yesterday have been rinsed, dried and glued onto painting sticks. I just need to glue the pikes into their hands now, and riders onto horses (figures for the command stands were in that batch). I'll probably be able to prime them tomorrow evening.

Today I've carried on with figure prep. I've fully prepped 36 pikemen so far and have another 32 that just need to have their hands drilled. The 120 unarmoured pikemen have had their bases filed flat, so they will just need to have any flash/mould-lines cleaned up and their hands drilled.

If I really push on with prepping and priming, I should be able to start painting the pikemen this weekend. Now, you could call me crazy, but I've got this slightly mad idea of trying to paint up all 256 pikemen for my 8 pike units in one go. That would take me well past my 1600 point revised target. If it looks as though I won't make it in time, I can always scale back on the number I'm doing.


  1. I loved these Tamsin; tight at the top now!

  2. Top 5.... really impressed Tamsin. Keep it up!

  3. Drilling hands of 15mm minis? Did i read that correctly? That sounds insane!

  4. They are awesome Tamsin. Very well done!

  5. @ Michael - definitely getting interesting in the Top 10

    @ Seb - I'm amazed to find myself up there (well, Ian has pushed me into 6th place overnight, as expected).

    @ InChigh - yup, you read that right. Unfortunately the poses don't allow them to be cast with open hands so you have to drill them to accept pikes.

    @ Rodger - glad you like them! :)

  6. Just wanted to say those hand painted shields are really nice. There is a lot of variety but the units are each tied together well. I like it.

  7. They look really good, to echo others drilling out 15mm hands sounds fiddly as hell! your stamina to finish this is impressive I would have been distracted by something else long ago :(

  8. Nice one Tamsin! Will I or won't I catch up!

  9. @ Sean - thanks!

    @ Smillie - it is very fiddly, particularly where the hands are very close to the body. Also, I think that my drill bit might be getting blunt - time to get a new one.

    @ Ray - not only will you catch me, you'll leave me in the dust with that 1 figure = 1 man Mid Republican Roman legion you're secretly painting up! ;)

  10. Tamsin, Great looking Normans. So good I used the shield designs (which I assume are your originals) on my teeny-weeny 10mm Normans which I've just finished. Hope you don't object to the crib. Have a look at
