
Saturday 3 September 2022

Paint Table Saturday 03 September 2022

 As you can see I'm set up ready to start painting some figures. It will be the Waffen SS as I want to get at least the infantry done before the end of this month.

I finished priming the new figures this morning:

Then sorted out the riflemen and extra MG42s to fill out squads and support teams:

Core Platoon plus a few supports


Looking at what I have, there are a few more figures I need to get - I need a few extra SMG chaps and could use a flamethrower team and an AT gun (and crew). I also need something to make up a third Jump Off Point.

3D Printing

I've printed another Traveller ship but haven't finished assembling it so no photo today. I have however printed another 28mm starfighter:

I'll need to do a bit more clean-up of this one as the humidity has gone up and is causing some issues with the filament (you can see some "zits" on the photo above). I think I'm going to invest in a filament dryer as this isn't the first time I've had problems.

I also printed this last night:

"I AM the Law!

After running all these test prints to work out the best way of printing these:

The customisable file I used isn't the best, but it is the easiest to use that I could find. I do have a Dredd badge ready to print after the next two Traveller ships and eventually a helmet and maybe some other props (no, I don't have any plans for doing cosplay - they'll just be for display!).


  1. Love the badges, just get some paint on 'em, some spandex costumery and you will feel just the part I am sure!

    1. I'm thinking Wally Squad (the undercover Judges) might be the easy way to go! :)

  2. Looks like you have a solid plan with the Germans, Tamsin, and your 3D printing continues to show some real gems, including the not Vyper, but the best has to be your personalised Judge badge, awesome !

    1. Cheers! Hopefully the plan will come together and I will love it! :)
