
Thursday 29 September 2022

Finished: 28mm Waffen SS Panzerknacker Teams


As promised yesterday, here are the photos of the latest batch of Waffen SS - two Panzerknacker teams. In Chain of command each team is made up of four men with three charges, three smoke grenades and a MG42 with two crew (there's no note about what weapons the other two men have - I've done a rifle and SMG for them). 

The chaps with MG42s, grenade bundles and mines are from The Assault Group, the other two are from Artizan.

At 2 support points, each team is worth considering taking as supports, even if the opposition doesn't have any armour. With my weapon allocation, two teams (=4 support points) will put out 18 shooting dice at over 12", 22 at 6-12" and 26 at 0-6". A regular infantry squad (=4 support points) would have 15, 17 and 19 dice; a regular panzergrenadier squad (=5 support points) would have 21, 23 and 25 dice. The downside is that each team would need a 1 on the command dice to activate or an order from a senior leader, whereas the squads can be activated on a 2 or 3.


  1. Those look very nice indeed--Good work there! They may never move, but should look lovely on the battlefield!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think I've just about got the hang of doing all the little dots now - just in time for the final five figures in camo! :)
