
Saturday, 23 April 2022

Paint Table Saturday 23 April 2022


I went ahead and applied a mix of grout and paint to the road portions of seven tiles, then watered the mix down and applied it to the pavement and kerbs on all thirteen tiles.

The texture was about right for the pavement and kerb stones, but was a bit too fine for the tarmac. So today I acted on a suggestion in the comments on Wednesday's post (thanks, Herkybird!) and made up a mix of grout, paint, sand and a little water, then applied that to the tarmac areas:

To avoid obvious brush strokes, after applying it I then went over it with a stippling motion using a slightly damp brush. In the photo above, the tiles are still drying. Tomorrow I'll sand down the edges and any patches which are too rough.


  1. Great progress Tamsin, they look good so far.

  2. Excellent result! - Glad to be of help!

    1. Thanks! We'll see in a couple of days haow it looks after painting!

  3. Excellent Tamsin. They look the business. Do you mind if I ask if you bought the tiles or made them? If bought, where are they available please?

    1. Thanks! They're from a Polish company called "Multiverse Gaming".
