
Wednesday 16 March 2022

Wednesday Workbench 16 March 2022


Yes, I'm onto the SciFi terrain at last. On Sunday I decided to finish off the robots you saw on Saturday, and added two others that didn't need the airbrush. I did the varnishing on Monday before heading to the club for a game of ADLG - it was nice to get out and play with toy soldiers!

Yesterday I started on the terrain. I cracked on and finished the plaza sections, scatter pieces and the roofs for the buildings that you can see in the picture. 

Today I've got the main block colours done on the buildings; I just have the metal details and some spot colours left to do. I should finish them tomorrow, and then I can focus on finishing the last few figures and vehicles I need for the final posts.


  1. The terrain is coming along nicely Tamsin, and some very bright colours you've used

    1. Cheers! I deliberately went for bright and garish with this lot of terrain. :)

  2. Nice Psychedelia effect on the buildings! - You forgot to tell us how your AdlG game went, did you win?

    1. Thanks! Yes, I did win - I was planning to do an AAR post, but I realised I had only taken a handful of photos. :)
