
Monday, 31 January 2022

AHPC XII 5th & 6th Entries - Mongols & Georgians; Crashed Starship

 Both of my entries got posted yesterday.

15mm Mongol and Georgian Cavalry:

The post can be found here: linky-link

28mm Crashed Starship:

The post can be found here: linky-link

Both posts include continuations of "The Adventures of Oscar" and "Extract from the journal of TamsinP" for your entertainment.

I've started work on the next batch of figures. I'm alternating weeks - one week will be a chunk of WW2 Japanese; the next week will be something else.

I'm currently well ahead of schedule for achieving my 1300 points target, so if I finish a batch early, I can use the "spare" days to work on things for my final few entries.


  1. Great work on all Tamsin, particularly like the weathering on the crashed ship.

    1. Thanks! I had fun doing the rust and adding patches of soot and grime. :)
