
Saturday 30 October 2021

Paint Table Saturday 30 October


I know what (some of you) are thinking - "That table looks far too clean and tidy!". Please rest assured that this is a very temporary state of affairs and it will soon be looking very cluttered and messy.

I finished painting the Korean cavalry yesterday and hit them and the Ming levy with Klear/ink last night. Today I used the airbrush to matte varnish them and the Korean infantry. After leaving them a few hours, I popped them off their painting sticks, sorted them out into "units" and then glued the figures onto bases.

A couple of the figures refused to stay upright, so I ended up using some "kicker" to quickly cure the superglue. That is why you can see white patches around some of the figures' puddle bases.

Tomorrow I will be adding basing texture. They should all be finished by Tuesday.


  1. You continue to produce excellent work with machine like efficiency! - I am struggling to paint a couple of figures!!!

  2. Great work Tamsin, the quality and quantity is excellent

  3. @ Herkybird - thanks! I'm sure your painting mojo will pick up again soon enough. :)

    @ Dave - cheers! :)

  4. I find contact adhesive helpful for basing unbalanced figures. The only downside is that you have to get the placement right first time.

    Regards, Chris.
