
Saturday 11 September 2021

Paint Table Saturday 11 September

 As you can see, there has been a lot of progress on the jungle buildings since Wednesday. On Thursday, after some quick size checks, I decided to spray the buildings indoors rather than wait for a sunny day and clear garden. Not my preferred option, but needs must.

The spray paints I've used are Halfords Camo Dark Brown, followed by a dusting of Halfords Camo Khaki from a high angle to add a first highlight.

I also carried on with the water tank. I got it nicely rusted up on Thursday, then yesterday I textured and painted the base:

Yesterday also saw me adding drybrush highlights to the wood on all of the buildings. I also dry-brushed the thatch:

I started out today intending just to work on the buildings with wriggly-tin and the tool shed which I've given tar strip roofing. The metal was base-coated with thinned down VMA Tank Brown; the tar strips with thinned VMC Black:

Using some foam ripped from a figure tray insert, I splodged VMA Light Rust onto the metal:

I then drybrushed with VMC Oily Steel; the tar strips were drybrushed with VMC Grey Green and VMC London Grey:

The metal was then washed with heavily thinned VMA light rust:

The metal was finished off with more splodging of VMA Light Rust, a light splodging of VMA Orange Rust and a final light drybrush of VMC Oily Steel:

As that was all done much earlier than I'd expected, I mixed up a batch of ink wash to stain the woodwork, then applied it to all of the buildings. Unfortunately I forgot to take a comparison photo of stained and unstained.

Tomorrow I'll be texturing the bases:

I'll have to do that in two batches as there isn't enough room on the bench to work on them all at the same time. I probably won't get around to painting the texture tomorrow, so that will be a fairly quick job for Monday. The final job will be to add static grass - if I'm lucky, that will get done on Monday, but I suspect that it will be a Tuesday morning job.

Update: Naff all on the telly, so I decided to add the basing texture - only took about an hour including all the cleaning up!


  1. Great amount of progress Tamsin, really like the rust effect you've achieved, and the thatch keeps improving each time you sjow it, can really see the texture now, and it's not even finished

  2. Wow, what a difference all that weathering makes, they are wonderful!

  3. Great progress Tamsin. Love the weathering on the metal roof

  4. @ Dave - cheers! The photo after the rusted water tank does show the finished thatch roofs, but it's not as clear as it is in the next post! :)

    @ Herkybird - thanks! I'm pleased with them. :)

    @ Neil - cheers! :)

    @ Andrew - thanks! :)
