
Saturday 28 August 2021

Paint Table Saturday 28 August


As you can see, I have started work on pimping the MDF buildings for my jungle terrain. These three will be for my plantation area.

Most of the other buildings will have thatched roofs. I'll start work on those tomorrow.


  1. Off to a good start Tamsin, I'm guessing your going for a painted wriggly tin, with wood, from the colours I'm seeing

  2. Good work so far, I hope you didn't have to chop down some of those lovely trees you just finished to build them?!!

  3. I like the look of these. I am looking forward to seeing the thatch.

  4. @ Dave - cheers! the wriggly tin will be painted as bare metal, slightly rusted. :)

    @ Herkybird - thanks! No model trees were harmed in the making of these! :)

    @ Andrew - cheers! Pics of buildings with thatching underway should be in my Wednesday Workbench post. :)

  5. Cheerful and colourful so they should stand out even amidst your myriad trees!

  6. Very impressive. Always amazed at your output - quantity and quality.

  7. @ Padre - thanks! They might look cheerful and colourful now, but they aren't painted yet! :)

    @ Paul - cheers! At the moment these are WIPs - I'll be painting them soon. :)
