
Thursday 8 July 2021

Finished: Kunai Grass


I finished the kunai grass bases this afternoon. I've certainly learned a few lessons for when I do more of them (the main one being that I could have got away with using cocktail stick points as anchors, rather than the lengths of thin kebab skewers I used for these).

"Hey! Who's that hiding over there?"

"Just me, again, your favourite Bren gunner."

I decided to see how many figures I could fit into the trails of the larger pieces:

As you can see, all of them can easily accommodate a full section and the largest can fit two sections.

I've used just under half of the grass pieces, so have plenty spare to do more bases in the future. They may not be the most accurate in appearance, but these were a sight easier to produce than they would have been using my original plan.

I've also been working on the bamboo bases. I added herbs last night and this morning I added static grass:

I've begun dry-brushing the bamboo stems as well:

One hundred down, one hundred and fifty to go! I should get them done this evening, then tomorrow I can start adding them to the bases.


And this is what 249 dry-brushed bamboo stems look like:

"249? I thought you'd said 250?"

Yes, well, one of the bundles of 100 was one stem short. C'est la vie!


  1. Nice work Tamsin, you'll have your very own forest before you know it.

  2. The grasses turned out great Tamsin, the bamboo bases are coming along nicely and the drybrushed bamboo looks very authentic

  3. Great looking grassy fields, I wouldn't want to get into a firefight in that terrain.

  4. That Kunai grass is spectacular, I am amazed how natural it all looks, and how many Aussies in can conceal!

  5. Lovely looking terrain for your Pacific games.

  6. Superb Kunai Grass pieces, idela for hiding the soldiers...and promising bamboos...

  7. Fantastic terrain. The drybrushing really helps to blend them in.

  8. Wow, wow, wow, wow!

    Love this terrain project. It is inspiring me with ideas for a jungle set of my own.

  9. @ Ray - thanks! :)

    @ Dave - cheers! :)

    @ Christopher - thanks! I wouldn't want to either! :)

    @ Herkybird - cheers! It's amazing what a quick dry-brush can achieve on these cheap plants. :)

    @ Mark - thanks! :)

    @ Phil - cheers! :)

    @ Simon - thanks! :)

    @ Ashley - cheers! It's fun, but I'm beginning to worry about how much storage space this is all going to take up! :)
