
Saturday, 5 December 2020

Paint Table Saturday 05 December


I've been taking things fairly slow and easy on the painting front this week. I have finished (bar the black-lining wash) painting one figure, and today have got the flesh done on the other five figures in this group:

In case you are wondering why two of the figures are on washers, it is because they kept popping off the bottle caps.

I should be able to get these finished tomorrow, assuming I don't get distracted.


  1. Popping them on the 'Naughty' washer should keep them in line!
    Looking forward to seeing them finished!

  2. Off to a great start Tamsin, loving the varied skin tones

  3. Good start.

    I Dremel a couple of holes in my bottle caps seems to prevent most of the popping off. For those that persist in popping off I also drill a hole in the figure base to give the PVA something to key into.

  4. @ Herkybird - hopefully it'll do the trick... :)

    @ Dave Stone - cheers! :)

    @ Paul SS - thanks! The figures are superglued on; most are fine it's just those two that popped off [so far]. :)

  5. That's gonna be a fine looking posse Tamsin!
    Regards, James
