
Friday 28 August 2020

Finished: Marsh Terrain

After many setbacks, they're finally finished!

First Batch:

Second Batch:


The static grass on the first batch doesn't look quite as bad as I thought. I might go back over them with the 4mm "dead" grass mix which I used on the second batch.

With those done, I think I will probably switch back to painting figures. I'll probably make a start on my ancient Germans for "Infamy, Infamy!" - that should keep me busy for a week or two.


  1. These look sufficiently sludgy! I still think a few tufts sticking out of the pools would look good though!

  2. Good stuff
    Now to christen them in a wargame ;)

  3. Great work Tamsin, like the variation between the two sets

  4. Looking good, I can hear the mosquitoes already ;)

  5. Lovely work Tamsin, fear not about the setbacks, they wouldn't have turned out so well if they didn't bog you down some 8D

  6. Very nice, I can feel the muck filling into my shoes right now. Setbacks are how we learn!

  7. @ Herkybird - thanks! You're right - I should have had some reeds sticking out of the pools. :)

    @ Geordie - cheers! :)

    @ Dave Stone - thanks! :)

    @ Neil - cheers! :)

    @ Paul SS - thanks! :)

    @ Terry - cheers! It was a lot of work for a square foot of terrain though! :)

    @ Miles - thanks! They are indeed! :)
