
Sunday 19 July 2020

Finished: Speed-E-Mart for Judge Dredd

Well, I didn't just "make a start" on the weathering of this building today - I actually managed to finish it. Oh, and I did end up making it as grimy as the other buildings.

This is the Mini Mart from TT Combat.

Views of the interior:

I've left the shelves and counter loose for now; I may glue them in place in the future.

That takes me up to three buildings plus a fast food shack so far. I've got another two that I want to paint up in the next week or two, but will be taking a brief break from terrain to paint up a couple of figures.


  1. Excellent work Tamsin, if you want to add glass to the doors try using some acetate, the stuff from plastic packing works really well, and it's the stuff we normally throw away

  2. Well done Tamsin, I suspect you burnt the midnight oil finishing it? Well worth the effort. Cheers Greg

  3. Another fabulous build and paint Tamsin! It looks great, love the colours and weathering.

  4. Another fine addition to your collection Tamsin!

  5. Great stuff Tamsin, looks fantastic.

  6. That looks sufficiently seedy! Inside rather more spartan. Great work all round!
    I would approach this establishment with Dredd!

  7. @ Neil S - thanks! :)

    @ Dave Stone - cheers! I might add "glass" to windows in future, but don't plan to immediately.

    @ Greg - thanks! No midnight oil burnt on this one, just lots of time spent in spurts throughout the day on Sunday. :)

    @ Michael A - cheers! It came out looking much browner than I expected - I think the wash may have been a bit stronger than I'd thought. :)

    @ Carl - thanks! :)

    @ Terry - cheers! :)

    @ Stuart S - thanks! :)

    @ Herkybird -cheers, but not for that pun! :)
