
Friday 31 July 2020

Finished: More Concrete Bits for Judge Dredd (plus Shinies and Podcast #19)

After painting some Jersey Barriers and T-Walls (from Antenociti's Workshop) before, I decided to buy some more - you can't have enough of them in my opinion!

I painted these up yesterday afternoon then today I gloss-coated them, added decals and posters and re-glossed them and finished them off with a matt varnish coat.

T- Walls:

I should note that I added graffiti decals to all of the pieces this time, sometimes on both sides.

Jersey Barriers:

Damaged Jersey Barriers:


I might get a few more of these...


This morning, the postie delivered another package full of lead:

It was the extra bits I'd ordered from Lancashire Games - some more German warriors, cavalry and leaders; for the Romans a few more cavalry, some mounted generals/officers, another pack of archers and some legionaries (I'd only ordered auxilia before).

I'm gradually working through prepping the leadpile for this project.

Madaxeman Lockdown Specials Podcast #19

What should be the penultimate of this series of weekly podcasts has been published:

Tune in to see how you fared with your answers to last week's quiz.


  1. These look amazing Tamsin, great job.

  2. Great work on all the concrete bits Tamsin, the posters and graffiti elevate them to exceptional.
    More toys for the next project as well, looks like your going for this next project in a big way

  3. More good concrete for Mega City One!-- Have you tried doing faded or partially removed graffiti?
    Also, how about trying graffiti over other graffiti, like you see in our cities?

  4. Agreed you can never have to much. Are you sure you didn't have a misspent youth tagging British Rail rolling stock? Great graffiti!

  5. @ Michael A - thanks! :)

    @ Dave Stone - cheers! I've possibly got a few more figures than I will actually need, but better to have too many than too few! :)

    @ Herkybird - thanks! I have weathered some graffiti elsewhere, mostly through dry-brushing over it and washing. I might do some layered graffiti later on when I have a suitably big wall to fill up. :)

    @ Neil - cheers! :)

    @ Greg - thanks! And no, I didn't have such a misspent youth! :)

  6. Fantastic scatter terrain.

    Well done with the graffiti.

