
Wednesday 8 July 2020

Finished: Jersey Barriers & T-Walls for Judge Dredd (and Wednesday Workbench 08 July)

Having taken Monday off from painting, yesterday I opted to go for something quick to paint - a load of concrete barriers from Antenocitis Workshop. Of course, me being me, I went through a lot more steps than were really necessary, but I think ti was worth it. I had all the painting and washes done by last night leaving me with varnishing and decals to do today.

I deliberately didn't put decals on all of them, and the ones I did were fairly generic graffiti so that these can be used for games other than Judge Dredd. I also only used the decals that I had printed myself - the extra coat of decal medium and scoring around the decals to minimise the amount of excess film certainly helped, as did using MicroSet to fix them before using Micro Sol.

Jersey Barriers


Tonight or tomorrow I will be starting work on these bits of scatter terrain:

Yesterday I took delivery of a fairly heavy consignment of MDF from Multiverse Gaming:

These are some of their "VersaTiles", a mix of street and plaza boards. I spent yesterday evening and a bit of this morning cleaning them up ready for spray priming. That will have to wait for a few days as the forecast is for rain until next week. That gives me plenty of time to assemble them though.

I also printed out some more graffiti images, this time on white decal paper (which should make the colours a bit more vibrant):

Having learned from my previous go, I will let the ink dry overnight then give them a spray coat of gloss varnish before applying the decal medium (by brush rather than risking my airbrush) and leaving 24 hours between the first and second coats.


  1. Very effective walls Tamsin, and some interesting bits to come as well, and look forward to seeing the plazza boards

  2. Those are nice! I hope your local Judges don't have you in the cubes for all that Graffiti!

  3. Very impressive paint job on the barriers - might we see a mega city one council crew being deployed to remove the graffiti? Cheers Greg (Delta Coy Blog)

  4. @ Dave stone - thanks! The "plaza" boards are just paved, non-road boards. :)

    @ Herkybird - cheers! The juves who sprayed those tags are in Sio Block 37 for the next six months! :)

    @ Neil - thanks! :)

    @ Greg - cheers! There may be some city workers at some point in the future. :)

  5. Nice graffiti. It certainly makes these much more interesting.
