
Saturday 2 May 2020

Paint Table Saturday 02 May

The horses for the mounted elements of my wars of the roses army are taking a bit longer to paint than I'd anticipated, but I'm almost there.

I've finished painting the unarmoured horses:

I've also made good progress on the armoured horses:

If all goes well I should finish painting them tomorrow, then it will be onto the riders. The horses don't have much left to do - painting the leather parts, the saddle-cloths and plumes and highlighting of the metal, then final washes to tie things together.


  1. I wish I had your dedication to painting, all this Sars Covid-19 inactivity has sapped my painting mojo.
    Nice work on the caparisons by the by!

  2. And very nice they look too!

  3. Wow!! You are a painting machine currently, Tamsin. What an amazing output!! :-)

  4. All coming along nicely Tamsin.

  5. @ Herkybird - cheers! :)

    @ Ray - thanks! :)

    @ Simon - cheers! :)

    @ Michael A - thanks! :)

  6. Looking very smart. Lots of people painting Wars of the Roses stuff at the moment. I have never been brave enough to take on cavalry yet!

  7. If I blue my eyes, they look like decorated cupcakes. Or, fairy cakes.

  8. The quality and quantity of your work astounds me, Tamsin. Bravo!

  9. @ Legatus - thanks! I think that a large part of why I took so long getting around to this army was dread at the prospect of painting 28mm horses and all that armour. Luckily I got a practice run for the horses when I did my fantasy barbarian warband a couple of months ago. :)

    @ Whisk - your mind works in mysterious ways! :D

    @ Curt - cheers! :)
