
Wednesday 15 April 2020

Wednesday Workbench 15 April

First of all, some of you will have noticed that I have switched the blog to requiring moderation for all comments. I did this because I had been heavily targeted by comment spammers. They seem to have stopped for now, but that could be because it is almost a week since my last post - I'll see if they suddenly become active again with this post being published.

Since last Thursday I have carried on with the WotR project and finished painting all the longbowmen yesterday. I varnished them this morning and this afternoon have started the basing:

In case you are wondering what the brown gunk is, it is this:

Yes, brown acrylic frame sealant from Poundland. I simply spread a dollop out on the top of the base to about 1.5-2mm depth and press the figures down into it, then use a crappy brush to smooth out the acrylic around the figure bases.

Tomorrow I'll be adding sand to the bases, then on Friday I'll do the flocking. That's not bad going - 72 x 28mm figures in just over a week.


  1. Look great! I like the idea of the poundland gunk, I must give it a try!

  2. Nice work Tamsin. If you drop a base, does it bounce back up?

  3. They're already looking good even with their feet in some brown... stuff.
    Would never have thought about using acrylic sealant for basing.

  4. The square basing works really well.

  5. Great work Tamsin that's some turnaround.

  6. @ Carl - thanks! :)

    @ Neil - cheers! :)

    @ Herkybird - thanks! It's definitely worth trying. :)

    @ Michael A - cheers! :)

    @ Ray - thanks! Of course they don't bounce back up - it's not rubber you stupid boy! :)

    @ Nick - cheers! I've been using acrylic modelling paste for years and realised that this was basically the same stuff, just a whole lot cheaper. :)

    @ Norm - thanks. For ADLG, 60x60mm bases are the standard for medium infantry and it does allow for nicer positioning than two 60x30mm bases with the same figures. :)

    @ Stuart - cheers! Fast turnaround on these as I'm not doing much highlighting. :)

  7. Need to try that Poundland trick!
