
Saturday 29 February 2020

AHPC X Day 71 - Paint Table Saturday 29 February

I have finally finished painting the barbarian riders late this afternoon. Above is a pic with the 21 horses - with a small leap* of imagination I'm sure you can imagine them on their horses. Part from one...

Below is a closer-up pic of the riders:

Tomorrow I will be varnishing them. I'm going to keep the horses and riders separate until I've flocked the bases (it will be much easier without the riders attached). If all goes well, I should have them completed and the post submitted by the end of play tomorrow.

I'll be taking a short break from this project to paint something else before I start work on the final "secret" unit.

* I had to get that in somehow - it's only once every four years that I have the chance!


  1. At least its nearly the end of the Barbarians, I trust you will be painting something more...civilised next?

    Nice work as usual on the Bah-Bah's Tamsin!

  2. Looking good Tamsin and nice pun. ;)

  3. Great work Tamsin, and the teases keep on coming ! LOL

    1. Obviously teases are Tamsin's favourite, me, I prefer coffeeses!

  4. @ Herkybird - thanks! The next set of figures will be fully clothed if that's what you mean by "civilised". :)

    @ Michael A - cheers! It had to be done! :)

    @ Dave Stone - thanks! It's just the one tease. ;)

    @ Herkybird - *groan*
