
Friday 6 December 2019

Finished - 28mm WW2 British Airborne Jeeps, Bikes and Carts

After much delay, I have finally finished these. And that's the last of the Airborne for now, although (as I'm sure you know) I do have a few more figures that haven't been prepped and primed yet.

Hand Carts


Two Wellbikes and one 350cc Matchless bike

Woah! One of them has switched bikes!

I've left him separate so that he can be used with either bike

Signals Jeep

I will be adding radio antennae at some point

Recce Jeep with Trailer

Everything apart from the "proper" motorbike is from Warlord, the motorbike is from Foundry.

There have been some purchases...

I took advantage of  Warlord's Black Friday sale to buy the last three packs from the Strontium Dog range; I also bought their Airborne 75mm pack howitzer, 17 pounder and Polsten gun.

On Wednesday I did a little bit of shopping in town - the two Judge Dredd packs that I didn't buy initially, some acrylic paint pens, white ink and a couple of paints, a couple of portable daylight lamps, a couple of Series 7 brushes, superglue and activator, some tree armatures, some matchsticks and some triangular plastic strip.

Apart from finishing the jeeps etc today I have been doing some prep:

The horses for my barbarian warband have been glued onto bases, as have the figures for a special unit.

I've also prepped the resin Judge Dredd figures. Dredd's Daystick broke at the mid point, so I removed it at the handle and fitted a length of paperclip; I also had to pin another Judge at the ankle - I'll need to do a little bit of greenstuff work on them. I'm still debating how to do the basing - I'm considering mounting them on acrylic bases, but I'm wary about cutting them off their integral bases.

Tomorrow I'll be prepping the metal JD figures and maybe some of the recent Airborne acquisitions. I'll also be assembling the barbarian riders.


  1. I like the look of those JD figures, but was the daystick too fragile?
    'I am the Flaw!' comes to mind!
    Love the dinky little para bikes too!

  2. Great work on the Para's Tamsin, and a clever way of having two bikes with one rider.
    Look forward to seeing your JD and SD figures progress

  3. The Red Devil's project has been amazing Tamsin. Excellent work

  4. Cracking !! You got me with the "missing" handlebars on the wellbike, excellent idea.

  5. Nice work on those Paras, Tamsin. Love the camo smocks.

  6. @ Herkybird - when I looked at the bit that came off it appears there was an air bubble in the resin at the break point, luckily it's not been too difficult to fix.
    Those little Wellbikes are rather cute :)

    @ Dave Stone - thanks! I've got quite a lot of 2000AD minis to paint and I plan to get them done as early as possible in the Challenge [assuming I've decided whether or not to go with acrylic bases for the JD stuff by then of course] :)

    @ Benito - thanks! There's a bit more still to come, you'll be pleased to hear :)

    @ Paul's Bods - cheers! It seemed to be the simplest solution to get what I needed :)

    @ Dean - thanks! :)

  7. Fabulous additions to the collection Tamsin! Those carts make for excellent JoP for CoC and the swappable biker/ rider is a toich of genius. Love it.

    1. Thanks Nick! I'll probably use the handcarts as scatter rather than as JOPs (although they could do double-duty for Big CoC games). As for the separate rider, I chose to do that so that I could still use the bike for an early war despatch rider if needed. :)

  8. So beautiful works!
    Camouflage colors of the uniforms are so beautiful!
    Big bravo!

  9. Love the vehicles especially the bikes.
