
Tuesday 13 August 2019

Tuesday Update 13 August

Well, blow me down with a feather! I seem to be ahead of expectations.

Yesterday saw me finish the basecoats, touch-ups and highlights on the final two regiments and give them a coat of matt varnish.

That allowed me to glue them onto their bases this morning:

This afternoon I "gunked" the bases of all the regiments:

By tomorrow morning the gunk will have fully cured and I'll be able to dry-brush and flock them. Once that's done, I'll be able to add labels to the underside of the bases.


  1. Ah well, after finishing the bases, what is next for you to do?. They look very good, as always!

  2. Very impressive! 😯
    So many and so good painting! 😎
    Bravo Tamsin! 👍

  3. Vert impressive looking force Tamsin

  4. Looks impressive. Will be nice to see them in the final stage.

  5. @ Martin C - thanks! :)

    @ Herkybird - cheers! Not sure what will be next to hit the painting table :)

    @ L'Empereur - merci! :)

    @ Dave Stone - thanks! :)

    @ Dmitry Svidlo - cheers! They're up now :)
