
Sunday 18 August 2019

The Other Partizan 2019 - My Day and Loot

Having arisen at an ungodly hour this morning, I headed down to Kings Cross station to catch the first train of the day to Newark. This was to attend "The Other Partizan". I arrived at the showground at about 10:45, paid my entrance fee and proceeded to enjoy my day out.

I started with a quick tour to see what was what before getting my camera out to take photos of games which caught my interest. There are quite a few photos so I will do another post tomorrow.

I had time to chat with several people during the day - Rich Clarke (Too Fat Lardies), Graham Cummings (Crann Tara Miniatures - not there as a trader or with a game), Peter Berry (Baccus 6mm), Henry Hyde (Battlegames), Mike Whitaker, Simon "To The Strongest" Miller, Jerry Jenkins (another CLWC member who had made the trip up - it turned out that we'd been on the same train and taken to the showground by the same cab driver), Harry Sidebottom and Stuart (Colonel Bill's).

In the afternoon I got (very willingly) press-ganged into a game of  To The Strongest by Simon. It was the Mancetter game seen at Salute earlier this year. My opponent was a young chap named Adam who was playing his second ever wargame; I had Boudicca's revolting Britons, Adam had the Romans. it was a fun game and it looked for a while that I might manage to breakthrough the Roman lines, but this was not to be.

In between taking photos and playing To the Strongest, I managed to do some shopping (including collecting a couple of pre-orders). I didn't manage to buy everything on my list, but there is always Colours in a few weeks time.

On with the loot pics:

The Warlord Games stuff is for my Arnhem project (I've previously bought a box each of Waffen SS and late war Grenadiers).

Pre-order of CoC bits from Too Fat Lardies; free show figure (Karl Marx with gun); Foundry Para support weapons - mainly for the extra Bren teams

Pre-order from North Star of Artizan and Crusader packs for my Paras

Some big timber wolves from Old Glory for my Dragon Rampant wolf pack

Bases and CoC bits from Warbases; some paints from HLBSCo

Finally a gift from Graham - a resin 3D print of an airborne command/radio jeep.

This was actually scaled up to 1:56 from a 1:200 file. Apart from the steering wheel, the detail is great.


  1. Gutted I couldn't make the show. It was great last year. Some great looking loot as well M'lady!

  2. 1st time I've missed it in a while. Broke my car so saving my pennies for Pendraken stuff and a WW2 french army - why do I always go for crappy armies

  3. That's a pretty nice swag haul. Sadly, we don't get much in the way of historical conventions this way, so I have to live vicariously - looking forward to the pic post!

  4. Terrific posting, Tamsin, I used to go to Partisan all the time about 10 years ago but haven't been since it moved locations. Must try and get up there at some point. Terrific posting :-)

  5. Sounds like you had a good time Tamsin, and nice haul, and what a great gift

  6. Big shopping!
    Well done Tamsin!

  7. That's quite a haul Tamsin. Looks like it was worth the trip.

  8. Wow, that's a lot of goodies! When will you get the time to make them game ready?

  9. @ Ray - it is definitely a great show; the only downside for me is the cost of the train and cab fares - £82 all together! *gulp* I'm pleased with my loot haul :)

    @ Martin C - that's a shame. As for choosing crappy armies, I suspect that like me it's an unconscious desire to deflect blame from yourself when you lose! ;)

    @ Neil S - cheers! :)

    @ Fireymonkeyboy - thanks! Pics of the games are now up :)

    @ Blax -cheers! I never went to the previous venue, so don't know what it was like. The George Stephenson Hall is a good venue though - plenty of space, decent lighting and catering, but it did get rather warm around lunchtime even with all the doors open :)

    @ Geordie - thanks! I've always had some 28mm on the go, but my current projects do seem to be skewed more in that direction :)

    @ Dave Stone - thanks! It was indeed a very nice gift :)

    @ L'Empereur - merci! :)

    @ Marinergrim - thanks! It was worth the trip, but more for the games and meeting folks than the shopping (travel costs exceeded any postage savings) :)

    @ Herkybird - It's a decently sized haul. I'm sure I'll find time eventually :)
