
Sunday 3 February 2019

AHPC9 Day 45 - Mercenary Bonus Theme Round

The entries for the third bonus theme round, "Mercenaries" are up and voting is open.

*Click Here* to view the entries. You might find that you need to use the individual links on the right hand side as Blogger sometimes skips posts.

My submission is a little offbeat:

You're probably wondering how this bunch fit into the theme. Well, if you follow *this link* to my post, you can read all about it.

And don't forget to vote for all the entries that you think deserve a vote.


  1. That indeed is a strange collection of misfits.

    Elvis is my favorite. 😀
    Kind of cool that one is able to purchase such miniatures.

    1. Yes! Elvis is alive!
      Rock'n'roller mercenary! 😉

  2. That's a pretty cool collection of figures, and very nicely done

  3. That's a scary bunch of misfits Tamsin, fabulous fun though.

  4. Looks like you had a lot of fun, Tamsin. Hope you win!

  5. @ Brendon - thanks! :)

    @ Stew - strange misfits for a strange book :)

    @ L'Empereur - alive and working down the chip shop! :)

    @ Russ - cheers! :)

    @ Michael - thanks! :)

    @ Jerry - cheers! They were great fun to paint :)
